018 EU Meetup January 16, 2018

Seen from Earth, the apparent trajectory makes annual retrograde loops in the sky, with its origin in Lyra, temporarily moving south of the ecliptic between 6 September and 16 October 2017, and moving northward again towards its destination in Pegasus.

Rendezvous with Rama




Could there be fusion at the surface of the heliosphere?

Could there be fusion at the surface of the heliosphere?
1 message

Jim Weninger <> Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 6:01 PM
And I’m still having exchanges with Wal……
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Wal Thornhill <walt@holoscience.com>
To: Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2018, 9:53:51 PM MST
Subject: Re: Could there be fusion at the surface of the heliosphere?

Hi Jim,

a reasonable question. I think the answer lies in Marklund convection in interstellar space, which separates elements radially to the filament according to their ionisation potential. Alfvén writes that: “.. elements with the lowest ionization potential are brought closest to the axis, and form concentric hollow cylinders whose radii increase with ionization potential.

Oxygen is brought closer to BC axis so we might expect neon to be more abundant at the distance of the heliosphere from the Sun .

As for the book, I’m having difficulties because of all the emails, questions and proposals for a new theory of everything. 🙂
So I can’t guess when it might appear.


> On 6 Jan 2018, at 10:50 am, Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Wal, I agree with your points arguing against fusion at the heliosphere. 
> There is still the question of how we get higher relative abundances of heavier elements outside the heliosphere than inside.  This is what puzzles me.  Why is there more neon compared to oxygen just outside the heliosphere?  Why should the ratio be skewed towards heavier elements outside the heliosphere compared to inside?  Do you see my question? 

> Also, I hear you are working on a new book?  Do you have an expected release date?  

> Jim

> Sent from my iPhone

>> On Jan 4, 2018, at 8:59 PM, Wal Thornhill <walt@holoscience.com> wrote:
>> Absolutely not, Jim. The nuclear reactions in the photosphere require a far higher current density and a more dense plasma than exists at the heliosphere. Also, the nuclear energy released would be obvious in producing light and other radiation. It would need the characteristics and environment of a strongly focused electric discharge, which the heliosphere obviously does not have.
>> Differences in element ratios can be easily explained if the Sun is producing heavy elements in its photosphere and having them distributed in the heliosphere by the solar ‘wind’. So this finding supports the electric Sun model.
>> Wal
>>> On 5 Jan 2018, at 2:32 pm, Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0067-0049/198/2/13/pdf
>>> Accepting the idea that fusion occurs at the solar surface ( rather than deep in the solar interior), makes me wonder if fusion also occurs at the heliospheric “surface”. 
>>> The question here is that the oxygen  to neon ratio is lower outside the heliosphere than inside.  They’ve posited that maybe the oxygen was locked up in dust, but they explain that doesn’t work.  Other articles posited that maybe the solar system formed in a more oxygen rich region of the galaxy and “dragged” that oxygen rich bubble with it.  That also gave them problems.
>>> The question I have, is that if we do have fusion at the solar surface, then do we maybe have fusion at the heliospheric surface by the same means? Does this seem reasonable? What would I be looking for to prove or rule out this idea?
>>> Jim
>>> Sent from my iPhone

Edo Kaal – Ethereal Matters – Structured Atom Model

Chris Reeve – Controversies of Science


Re: Edmund Halley’s hollow earth is right, and it shows up in the seismic data

1 message

Juan Calsiano <juancalsiano@gmail.com> Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 10:24 AM
To: Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com>
Cc: “David W. Johnson” <dj@argos.vu>, Jhafner <jhafner@swcp.com>, Don86326 <don86326@gmail.com>, Neil Thompson <krackonis@gmail.com>, Buddy Dougherty <goldenscaling@gmail.com>, Peter Alexander Venis <peter.a.venis@gmail.com>, “Lukas K. Womack” <lukas.k.womack@gmail.com>


I will not engage deeply in this one, just let me add a few comments that you might find useful:
As shown in the links that Jim provided, the speed of acoustical waves in any medium is not only a function of density but also a function of the coefficient of stiffness (isentropic bulk modulus or bulk elasticity for gases). This second variable basically measures the resistance of an elastic body to deformation by an applied stress in the material (it is the inverse of the compressibility). This second variable is more complex than density, because it is a thermodynamic quantity. This means that in order to fully specify the compressibility you need to specify how the temperature varies during compression. This value also varies widely between solids, liquids and gases, see:
This means that we have to be careful with the seismic data and possible conclusions about Earth’s density. Compressibility must be an important factor. This is evident (at least) in the findings in the Kola Superdeep Bore hole article. Let me provide a full quote from that one:
While data produced by the Kola drilling project continues to be analyzed, the drilling itself was forced to stop in the early 1990s when unexpectedly high temperatures were encountered. While the temperature gradient conformed to predictions down to a depth of about 10,000 feet, temperatures after this point increased at a higher rate until they reached 180 °C (or 356 °F) at the bottom of the hole. This was a drastic difference from the expected 100 °C (212 °F). Also unexpected was a decrease in rock density after the first 14,800 feet.
Anyway, Jim’s remark about how decreasing density produces higher wave speeds is important.

As the totality of the available physical evidence demonstrates, aetheric matter must be highly compressible, probably several orders of magnitude above the compressibility of air. However, aetheric matter is evidently vastly subtler than corpuscular matter–-so much that it’s sometimes confused with “empty space”. In other words, aetheric matter is vastly less dense than air, vast orders of magnitude less dense that any of the endlessly divisible corpuscles like the ones that are part of a gas like air. As shown by Maxwell himself, both aetheric density and aetheric compressibility are the physical variable quantities that combine to provide the measured speed of electromagnetic waves, a speed that is several orders of magnitude above acoustic waves in air, in line with which one would expect from above.

Of course, before talking about aetheric matter, I will need to demonstrate that such a concept is just a rigorous consequence of Deterministic Coherence, i.e. the most general Deterministic Worldview based on the totality of physical evidence available. This is one of the main reasons why I decided to write a book. So I’ll just continue writing now!  =)





Mathematics tends sadly to be a subject that most people dislike and almost regard as a punishment, but it is not really their fault. Mathematics can be divided into three sections. First there is secular mathematics, which is the mathematics of money and how things work in real life, quantities and volumes. Then there is symbolic mathematics, which becomes more complex in the form of algebra and solving many complex problems through using symbols and letters. And finally, there is sacred mathematics, which is perhaps the highest form of mathematics and is to do with how the universe works.

The Sacred geometry part of that latter component, for a long time was held in obscurity, known only to a few occult groups and religious organisations that knew its true value and practiced its tenets. Chief among these in modern terms are the Knights Templar, whose obsession with the Golden mean ratio and the secrets of star shaped pentagram were self-evident from their literature, diagrammatic representations, cryptic cartography and architecture. But we can trace their roots back further to the Pythagorean Mystery Schools and back beyond those to Egypt, from whence the Pythagorean acolytes gained most of their knowledge. The Egyptians themselves based much of their culture on Sumeria, and the Sumerian’s could trace their past back to an antediluvian culture that existed before the Great Flood, when a much higher civilization existed in isolated pockets on the Earth.



Re: Presentation – Infinity Theory

1 message

Peter Alexander Venis <peter.a.venis@gmail.com> Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 5:16 PM
To: “David W. Johnson” <dj@argos.vu>

Hello David,

I hope you had a good Christmas.

Yes, I know what subject I would like to discuss. It won’t be long, just 10 to 15 minutes like the previous time. I would like to give my thoughts about the question of what type of vortex a Tokamak exactly creates.
Best wishes,

2017-12-27 18:27 GMT+01:00 David W. Johnson <dj@argos.vu>:

You mentioned you’d be interested in giving a presentation to our EU group a while back. Would you like still do so? Let me know if so and we can schedule and announce it.
Thanks very much and hope you are having a nice Holiday.


Inner Space – Between Oceans and Skies