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Plasma cosmology
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Julian West
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QGR ???? 2 messages |
C3 – Cosmic Currents ConferenceCurrents in ALL senses:Electrical CurrentsCurrent most up to date ThinkingFluid water & Plasma & Field CurrentsBirkeland Current – Marklund ConvectionJust started reading Robert Schoch’s book Forgotten Civilizations and it literally started out in the first chapter with his beginning this journey because his fiancee, now wife, Katy….suggests that he watch “Alien Sky” by Talbot and Thornhill!….mainly to learn about Perrat’s Plasma/petroglyph connection and their (Robert and Katy’s) inspirational idea that the Rongorongo Script (undeciphered) is a structured written language based on Plasma discharges seen in the sky…….related to the sky-gazing Maori Stone Statues on Easter Island….I think we should try to get Robert Schoch as a Headliner!
From Joe:
On Jan 19, 2018, at 10:15 AM, David W. Johnson <dj@argos.vu> wrote:
Hope you’re doing well. Is it possible to make it around 8pm your time? I am finally getting a bit social and meeting some friends for lunch at 2pm over in studio city.Interesting work with Edo this week – exploring his SAM ideas a bit:Have a great day.🙂/dj
From Jean:
Hi David,
And I thank you. It was good to air it out. Thanks also for sending Edwin’s comments. I’m cc’in him. To add to those …
– There was a fairly lively chat going on in the background. If I’d noticed that, I could have had more fun there.
– I think discussing how it went is great – to ask certain folks to stay late a bit and give feedback. It doesn’t matter how it’s done.
– Perhaps if someone is going to present, we ask them to do something beforehand (a dry run with someone, an outline, or an abstract). We already talked about time issues. If it’s really a compelling topic, it could get more.
– If someone is recording, we should all be told.
– Ground rules can be useful. Not imposed, but generated by the group and made available as reminders.
– The NPA has similar sessions on Saturdays. Maybe I’ll participate one time to experience their style.
– Again, your record-keeping via a blog is _really_ great, and finding visuals all during the discussion is super.
Thanks again, DJ,
On 2018-01-17 11:56, David W. Johnson wrote:
Hi Jean,
Thanks very much for our conversation following the meetup group
yesterday. I sent Edwin and Mike a followup note. I thought you might
enjoy Edwin’s particularly insightful reply.
Thanks again.
On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 1:49 AM, Edo Kael <edwinkaal00@gmail.com> wrote:
Best response would be that I concur with what you wrote and had my thoughts already about Jean being to quiet 🙂
Words escaped to express my thoughts properly here, but somehow the notion that we all are truly trying to elevate ourselves in a world that has become very very confusing. We together see all the results of this world we grew up in, in our own actions, words and ideas. I am no exception there and find myself more patient with certain ideas then others. Like the confusion of language in Babel…..
What may be helpful here is perhaps introducing “topics” for a talk. It seems to me that we can attract enough people to continue with this and if a topic is not interesting enough for me to participate i can just listen or opt to join the next talk. no loss there right?
Topics might improve staying on topic a bit more or dive into the details.
Another thing that helps i
; one that listens to the rest that is silent but might want to jump in and give them the opportunity to speak, ask opinions every now and then etc etc not to dictate or guide, but to make sure we have a good talk
nb. We have been setting up a channel of our own on “discord” (gamer talk tool) and works pretty well especially for bigger groups basically to do the same thing, get people in a group a talk, debate, present ideas etc etc. I would personally like to see this become a part of the platform we are building (website).
can obviously also be used to provide material that would be pointed
out as you are doing at the moment. We need our own “library of
To: Mike Evans
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Re: thoughts refining the identity of our gathering
Re: thoughts refining the identity of our gathering 1 message |
From Jim:
Hi Jim,
a reasonable question. I think the answer lies in Marklund convection in interstellar space, which separates elements radially to the filament according to their ionisation potential. Alfvén writes that: “.. elements with the lowest ionization potential are brought closest to the axis, and form concentric hollow cylinders whose radii increase with ionization potential.
Oxygen is brought closer to BC axis so we might expect neon to be more abundant at the distance of the heliosphere from the Sun .
As for the book, I’m having difficulties because of all the emails, questions and proposals for a new theory of everything. 🙂
So I can’t guess when it might appear.
> On 6 Jan 2018, at 10:50 am, Jim Weninger <> wrote:
> Wal, I agree with your points arguing against fusion at the heliosphere.
> There is still the question of how we get higher relative abundances of heavier elements outside the heliosphere than inside. This is what puzzles me. Why is there more neon compared to oxygen just outside the heliosphere? Why should the ratio be skewed towards heavier elements outside the heliosphere compared to inside? Do you see my question?
> Also, I hear you are working on a new book? Do you have an expected release date?
> Jim
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 4, 2018, at 8:59 PM, Wal Thornhill <> wrote:
>> Absolutely not, Jim. The nuclear reactions in the photosphere require a far higher current density and a more dense plasma than exists at the heliosphere. Also, the nuclear energy released would be obvious in producing light and other radiation. It would need the characteristics and environment of a strongly focused electric discharge, which the heliosphere obviously does not have.
>> Differences in element ratios can be easily explained if the Sun is producing heavy elements in its photosphere and having them distributed in the heliosphere by the solar ‘wind’. So this finding supports the electric Sun model.
>> Wal
>>> On 5 Jan 2018, at 2:32 pm, Jim Weninger <> wrote:
>>> http://iopscience.iop.org/
>>> Accepting the idea that fusion occurs at the solar surface ( rather than deep in the solar interior), makes me wonder if fusion also occurs at the heliospheric “surface”.
>>> The question here is that the oxygen to neon ratio is lower outside the heliosphere than inside. They’ve posited that maybe the oxygen was locked up in dust, but they explain that doesn’t work. Other articles posited that maybe the solar system formed in a more oxygen rich region of the galaxy and “dragged” that oxygen rich bubble with it. That also gave them problems.
>>> The question I have, is that if we do have fusion at the solar surface, then do we maybe have fusion at the heliospheric surface by the same means? Does this seem reasonable? What would I be looking for to prove or rule out this idea?
>>> Jim
>>> Sent from my iPhone
Concept: Fractal Tangents
Identity and Culture
Hi David…
Nice Booklet of EU Personalitieshttps://issuu.com/sciencetosage/docs/2012
Who is THIS?UFO = HelioSpheric Circuit Geometry for Personal Use & travelForm, Symmetry & Geometry of UFOs are eerily similar to….. EU proposed models of Electro-dynamic principles for Planetary, Solar, & Intergalactic Circuitry (Alvens Model)…..UFOs WORK….. because they mimic intergalactic structures and processes……they BOTH move through the SAME medium!Spherical Capacitors?Spherical Plasmoid Batteries?Spherical Transformers?