Terrence Howard's AllShape Journal Notes

Walter Russell References

(Private & Protected)



1. “The oceans of earth are My body, as they are likewise man’s. From oceans of My body I speak
to man in words and sounds of ocean’s waves playing with wild ocean’s winds and swirling
tides. From pounding surf of breaking waves on sandy shores I speak to man; and those there
are whose poet hearts hear My Voice forever telling them of My unchanging ecstasy of Love,
which I alone am.

2. “Sensed man of clay heareth not My Voice. He heareth naught but sounds with his sensed ears.
He but heareth the sounds of my electric body with his electrically sensed body.

3. “He knoweth not the words nor the meaning of the sounds of Nature’s universal language
through which My body forever speaketh to those who know My silences. From My still Light
My words of Love extend through all unfolding-refolding imaged forms to those among men
who have ears to hear My rhythmic silences, and inner vision to see imaged forms in formless

4. “From my silences My voice springeth to manifest Me through My imaged forms, which,
likewise springeth from formless clay of My body.

5. Sensed man of clay thinketh not with Me, nor knoweth he My knowing. Love is far to man of
clay whose body is My body, centered by My still Light but unknown to him as aught but
sensed clay.

6. “The forest of earth are My body and man’s. From every leaf and branch of their vastness I
speak inspired words of Love to man who heareth them in the winds,--and in the silences,--and
in the moods of the winds,--and in the play of light-waves which cosmic man knoweth as My
Voice talking to him as man talketh to man.

7. “Too many there are who heareth naught but sounds when the rustling of leaves in soft breezes
of My thinking telleth them of their birth from My silences; and too few there are who knoweth
their unity of body and spirit with body and Spirit of Me.

8. “These men know Me in them. They commune with Me in My forests and on the shores of My
seas. These, My Sons of Light, interpreteth My whisperings, and rhythms and tones of My
spectrum, into words, and into the arts of man’s understanding.

9. “These I anoint with all-knowing in the measure of their desire for all-knowing. These rare few
of the inspired among men knoweth Love, and by their works they reinspireth other men to
awaken from their dark to Light of Me in them. These are My cosmic messengers to man in this
new day of his further unfolding into My Light.”


1. The many among men who hear naught but the sounds of My Voice, knowing naught of their
source in My silence, deny My Being because they cannot see My Being with their sensed eyes.

2. “These do not deny the Being of man, e’en though their eyes cannot see the Being of man.

3. “”Nor do they deny their own Soul, or the Souls of men; yet their sensed eyes cannot see the
souls of men.

4. “Nor do they deny Love, and Truth, and Balance, and Power, yet the senses of man cannot see,
nor hear, nor feel, nor measure these invisible qualities in Me by which they are irrevocably

5. “Say thou to these men: Thou canst not see God, for God is Love, and Love cannot be seen, nor
weighed, nor measured.

6. “But thou canst manifest Love by the balanced actions and reactions of thy body,--or by its
balanced givings and regiving. But when thou thus expresseth Love with thy body, know thou
that thy expression of Love is not Love; for thy body is not thee, nor is it Me.

7. “Thy body cannot Love another body. It can but sense the body of man, fruit, flower or sunrise.
Senses have no knowing in them, nor can senses love sensed clay.

8. “The body of the lowliest of beast, or serpent, senseth other bodies equally with man. Thy dog’s
body senseth other bodies beyond the sensing of thee,--his master.

9. “And know thou that there are no other bodies than thine, for I again say all bodies are one, and
the sensing of a seeming other body is like unto the sensing of thy own finger, each being an
extension from a focal point of sensing in each unlike patterned part of My whole universal

10. “Thou well knowest that thy body emerged from clay which records My thinking in imaged
form, an emergence which thou callest ‘birth.’ Likewise, thou well knoweth that bodies of all
unlike patterned of earth, sea and sky, or of forest, desert and jungle, also emerged from the
same clay of My imagining and must return to it to lose their patterned forms of clay in that
which man calleth ‘death.’

11. “The bodies of man--and all things else--are but light waves of earth and sun, and suns are seed
of all forms of My imagining.

12. “When man asketh of thee, ‘Who am I?’ say thou to him, ‘thou, with thy Father, art the One
Light of all-knowing, centering thy one universal body of all-thinking.’

13. “When man asketh of thee, ‘Where am I when death taketh me.?’ Say thou to him, ‘thy Light of
birth is mirrored by thy Light of death at the moment of thy birth, at the moment of thy death.
Both are one, e’en though they mirror each other from far ends of cycles until their
interchangings void each other in their constant interpassings.’

14. “My Light of Love expresseth My givings to earths; and earth mirrorings of My Love is earths
regivings to Me.

15. “Behold thou My suns. They are My universe, records of My thinking. I give them My Light
through the power of My desire to express My Light in form. In each sphere of My thought recorded
knowing is the seed of all form which manifesteth My knowing.

16. “Tell thou to man who weepeth at death that I, the Father of man, give naught to him but Love;
for man and I are One; and I am Love.

17. “For behold, I give generating Light to suns to simulate My life in them. And suns mirror their
light to earth as death to born earth forms of clay with their radiating mirrorings. In this wise is
death in suns reborn as life in earths, and death in earths is likewise reborn as life in suns.

18. “Thus is My law of opposites fulfilled. For again I say, life giveth to death that death may die;
and death regiveth to life that life may live. All opposites of My cyclic thinking forever
interchange with each, that each may be what the other was, sequentially.

19. “In this wise My Light generateth life which radiateth as death to again generate life in
countless cycles of givings and regiving without end.

20. “And again I say that both life and death of formed clay are but seeming, for clay is naught but
clay and cannot live, nor die. For life of man is life of Me, and I die not, nor doth man die.

21. When man knoweth Me in him as Light of Me, then is he as unchanging as I, his FatherMother,
am unchanging.

22. “While man thinketh of man as man-formed clay, then is he but man-formed clay which
returneth to earth as formless clay.

23. “Wherefore I say, man must be born again, and yet again, rejoicing at My givings. Likewise, he
must come to rest in Me, again and yet again, rejoicing at his regivings to Me of countless
deaths of man-formed clay for reborning into man-formed clay.

24. “And now shall a new unfoldment come to man who shall arise from the clay of him into My
kingdom of Light in My high heavens. I, the Father of man, await man’s ending of his own
agony, for man hath not yet known Rest, nor Love, for he hath not yet known Me.”


1. “Again I say, I am the God of Love.

2. “Many have been My messengers to man who have given words of Love to man for his
unfolding, but man hath placed man alone within the circle of My Love and shut out all others
of My children of earths and suns.

3. “Say thou to man, My Love extendeth equally to all My creating things, for all creating things
manifest Me purposefully, e’en as man manifesteth Me purposefully. The pulse beat of man--
the tiger in the jungle--the insect under rotting bark of tree--the elephant and winged creatures
of the skies, and countless fishes of the seas--are one. All pulse with the pulsing waves of My
universal thinking which imageth all things as One Whole Idea manifested by all unfoldingrefolding
extensions of My knowing.

4. “Say also thou to man who thinketh of his heart beat as his own alone--unbound to all things
else--that all creating things unfold with the pulse beat of My cyclic thinking. As My thinking is
universal, so, likewise, is My pulse beat universal.

5. And furthermore I say that every blade of grass and leaf of oak in mighty forest pulseth with the
heart-beat of man and all things else, yea e’en down to micro-cosmic cells of forming things of
earth, and sea, and sky; for e’en the most minute of these pulse with the electric waves of My
cyclic thinking as the mightiest of stars in My heavens likewise pulse.

6. “For I, God of Light, thy Father-Mother God of Love, am the One Whole. From Me all
unfolding-refolding things extend, and to Me they return for reextension.

7. “Glorify thou Me, the One Whom I am, for I am All, and no other is.

8. “I, the undivided sexless One am Unity.

9. “What I am thou art, for thou art Me.

10. “Glorify thou thy Self, for in so doing thou art glorifying Me.

11. “I, the One whole, am knowing Mind. My thinking is expressed in light waves of My knowing,
but My thinking is not Me.

12. “I am Creator, creating with My thinking.

13. “Out of My Light of knowing My two lights of thinking are born as sexed pairs of opposites for
repetition as sexed pairs of opposites.

14. “Mind thinketh alone what Mind knoweth. Mind existeth to think knowing into forms of Mind

15. “To think is to create. I create with Light. Nothing is which is not Light.

16. “I, with man, am creating man in My image.

17. “What I am man is. I am Light. Man is Light.

18. “I think, and all things in My universe appear in the images of My thinking.

19. “I think man, and man appeareth in the image of My thinking.

20. “Man thinketh man, and man appeareth in the image of man’s thinking.

21. “Man’s thinking is My thinking. Man’s knowing is My knowing.

22. “I think idea. The Light of My knowing registereth My idea in the two sexed lights of My
thinking, and form is born in the image of My thinking.

23. “Form has no existence; nor have My imaginings. These exist not for they are not Me. I alone
exist, I, the ALL.

24. “I create My imaged body with the inbreathing of My pulsing universe of Me. Likewise I void it
with My outbreathing to again create it.

25. “My universe is My image; but My image is not Me.

26. “All things are created in My image, but they are not Me, e’en though I am in them and they in
27. “All things come and go from My divided thinking.

28. “All things go from very heart of Me into My imaged universe; and when they disappear from
there I also take them back to very heart of Me.

29. “Know thou that all creating things are resurrected things, again manifesting life of Me through
My divided thinking.

30. “Man divideth his thinking in manifesting Me.

31. “The body of man sleepeth, that it may awaken in Me, to manifest Me.

32. “The body of man dieth that it may be resurrected in Me, to manifest Me.

33. “The body of man disappeareth, that it may reappear to manifest Me.

34. “Man who sleeps or dies or disappears is but man’s image, for Self of man sleeps not, nor
disappears; for Self of man is Me.

35. “Again I say that I am One, and man is One in Me when he knoweth that I am he.


1. “When formed clay of man is ready to know Man in him as Light of Love, then am I there for
him to know Man in him as Love.

2. “I am as the silent harp of many strings is to man who heareth not the rhythms of beauty in the
silence of the unsounding harp. Man may as well deny the harp which he cannot hear with ears
of earth as to deny Me because he cannot see Me, nor hear My Voice.

3. “Man forgeteth that the sounds of his voice which others hear are not his knowing. They but
express his silent knowing in words which they can hear. But the sounds of words which
emanate from him are not his knowing, nor are they him.

4. “Likewise, sounds which springeth from the silence of My knowing throughout My universe are
not My knowing, nor are they Me. They are the voice of My electric body whispering to man of
My still Light from which they sprang.

5. “Whyfore, then, doth man believe on man whom he cannot see nor hear save through the clayed
form of his electric body, and its varied sounds, and believe not upon Me Whose Universal
Voice he heareth in wind and wave, and in whisperings of My body’s earths and suns.

6. “Yea, and he can see My electric body as plainly as he seeth man’s.

7. “Verily, I say, man is not now so bound to body sensing as in the early days of his unfolding.

8. “Man alone of all My creating things has begun to hear My whisperings. Since his beginning
My still small Voice has whispered within him that I am he and he Me; but e’en now barbaric
man in his small new world heareth dully, and maketh idols which he treasureth before Me, for
he is still new. He is still but in the ferment of his early brewing.

9. “For I say, that all things which flow from Life of Me hath Life of Me flowing through them,
e’en to the least of these; but, I say, that e’en though My Light of immortal Life floweth through
those mortal symbols of My thinking it does not touch them in its passing.

10. “When they shall know the Light of Me in them, then shall they be Me and I them.

11. “When they shall know Light and Love as One they shall then know that Love in them is the
still fulcrum of their power to express Love through sensed action.

12. Their sensed actions shall then be balanced in the silence and the stillness of the Light which is
their fulcrum. From the fulcrum of My still Light of knowing man must extend his power for
imaging, and for giving form to his imagings, e’en as I, creator of all, likewise extend My
power of knowing through the level of My thinking to give form to My imaginings.

13. “Wherefore, I say to thee, exalt thou thyself beyond thy sensing. Know Me as fulcrum of thy
thinking. Be Me as deep well of thy knowing.

14. “For I say that man who senseth but clay of earth in him is bound to earth as clayed image of his

15. “Clayed images of My imaging who know not Me in them are but dwellers of earth’s dark. To
sensed man the doors of My kingdom are self-barred by darkness until the Light of Me in him is
known by him as Me.

16. “Until then he is but moving clay, manifesting not Me in him while sensing naught but moving
clay of him; knowing not the Glory of My Light in him.

17. “For again I say, all things are One in Me as man is, when he knoweth Me in him.

18. “All knowledge existeth. All knowledge cometh to man in its season. Cosmic messengers
periodically give to man such knowledge of My Cosmos as man is able to comprehend, but that
which he can bear is like unto a thimbleful out of the mighty ocean for man is but beginning to

19. “When man knoweth Light then he will know no limitations, but man must know the Light for
himself and none there can be who can make words of it, for Light knoweth Light and there
need be no words.

20. “Man’s sense-seeing with his eyes binds him to the illusion of My dual thinking, for I but build
illusion with My dual thinking for his sense-seeing.

21. “Sense-seeing binds man to forms and things, while Mind knowing openeth doors of glory to
the opposed threads of Light with which I weave all idea of Mind into forms of many moving

22. “Mind knowing decentrates unto the farthest reaches of My universe of Me, and seeth all forms
as One.

23. “With his seeing eyes man seeth Light as matter energized, but senseth not that the energy of
matter is the Light of My divided thinking. With man’s unseeing eyes of Spirit he knoweth the
Light of Me, the Source. He knoweth he is bound in Me as One, and I in him.

24. “Behold in Me thy God of Love, the One, inseparable.”


1. “Through woman I speak of Love to man, and to woman through man. Many there are whose
bodies heareth the call of body and call it Love.

2. These think of Love as divisible possessions which can be possessed, acquired, given or taken
by one from another one. These know not that the senses of one unbalanced body are but calling
to another unbalanced body for balance which they forever find to forever lose in wave cycles
of finding and losing.

3. “But again I say that manifestations of Love through sensed bodies is not Love e’en though it
springeth from the fulcrum of Love in Me.

4. “Pairs of oppositely conditioned bodies must forever interchange with each other to find
balance with Me. In this wise I express My unchanging Love through the changing cycles of
My thinking as manifested in the pulse beat, breathing and sex interaction of My dual electric
body. As My universal electric body pulseth with the duality of My rhythmic electric thinking,
so, likewise, all extensions of My body pulseth with the dual electric energy of My cyclic

5. “When man thinketh he loveth a woman he should have a care that he loveth in his heart lest he
be moved by his senses to a desire for sense balancing.

6. “For I say that he who loveth in his heart loveth Me only, and not another body, for Love is in
Me alone.

7. “He who loveth in his heart loveth Love in Me, a mirror of Light in man to give back to Me that
which extendeth from Me.

8. “E’en so are the suns of My body hung into dark heavens to give back their light to Me as dark,
for reborning through Me as light.

9. “E’en so is Love in Me alone, being but manifested by giving-regiving mirrored sequences of
My electric thinking.

10. “E’en so doth My universal body interchange as My resolving-dissolving universe of dual light
shineth out of darkness as mirrored forms which disappear again in Me for ever borning.

11. “Say thou to man who weepeth for one who loveth him not, that he is but moved by his senses
to a sensed expression of Love. Say thou to him that he who so weepeth knoweth not Love for
the woman for whose Love he yearneth.

12. “But he who loveth in his heart, knowing Me in him, rejoiceth that he is thus enriched by
knowing Love in the heart of woman, e’en though no words of Love shall have passed between
him and the woman of his inspiration.

13. “Likewise, say thou to him, when thou knowest Me in all mankind thy Love shall be as a
mirror to extend thy Love to its mirrored reflection in all to whom thou extendeth it.

14. “And all to whom thou extendeth thy Light shall Love thee in their hearts, for in thine eyes
there will be the Light of Love, and Truth, and Balance in Me.

15. “Again and again, and ceaselessily, say thou to man that he is One in Me when he knoweth Me
in him. And when he heareth My voice inspiring him to know Me in him then should he listen
unto My Voice in its silences, and in the sounds of My whisperings which springeth from My

16. “Then must he depart from his body to know My knowing and to think My knowing with Me as
One. For I say unto all men who desire My anointing in My Light that they shall know all

17. “All knowledge and all power existeth in My Light. All men shall have all knowledge and all
power in the measure of their desire for the Light of My kingdom of all-knowing Love.”


1. “Of a verity I say, no man shall know Love, nor Peace, nor Rest, until he giveth Love of
Himself to all men.

2. “Nor shall he who desireth a throne be enthroned until he shall first enthrone all men.

3. “Nor shall he who desireth riches be enriched until he shall have given all he hath for the
enrichment of all men.

4. “And he who would be a leader of men must first be the servant of man.

5. “And he who desireth power, or glory, shall not attain power or glory until he hath himself
empowered and glorified all men, for mankind honoreth not any man who hath not first honored
all men.

6. “E’en life may not be man’s until he hath lost that which he thinketh of as life to gain immortal
life through his knowing.

7. “For I again say, My One Law demandeth that man doeth My will in all his creations by first
giving the Light of his Self, so that the reflection of his Light returneth to him in full measure,
e’en as I give of My Light to My universe and repeat the reflection of My Light forever and

8. Thus have I translated true in words for man the knowing of our Father-Mother while in the
Light upon the mountain top.

A Communion

1. Behold I am in Thee. Enfold thou me.
2. I, my Self, am reaching out to Thee, well decentrated in thy Light.
3. I am wholly in the Spirit.
4. My abode in my body is far.
5. My body’s abode on its planet if far.
6. I am in thy Light, knowing Thy Light.
7. I am wholly Thee, knowing Thy knowing, translating the pulsing rhythms of Thy thinking into
words, knowing full well that the very least of these, Thy words, will long outlive the span of
man upon that now far world where thou hast again cast me for one more life of unfolding thy
knowing, that Thy new Word writ through me may be another dawn for awakening man.
8. Speak Thou through me.
9. Manifest Thou through Thy messenger.
10. Upon my heart are heavy questionings. Write thou Thy answers there in Light waves which
transform Thy knowing into Thy imaged thinking.
11. Unfold Thy being, dynamically, and be Thou me as I write man’s word from wordless Light.

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1. “Behold thou My electric universe in all its rhythmic majesty. ‘
2. “Behold thou My body, record of My knowing manifested by My electric thinking.
3. “Behold the Light of Rest in Me from which the divided lights of My moving electric body
spring to manifest My knowing in forms of my imagining.
4. “Behold the beauty of My body, formed image of immortal Idea, known alone by Me.
Manifested by My thinking.
5. “Behold the rhythmic movement of My universal body, manifested in my starry firmament of
seeming stillness,--in avalanche or whirling tornado,--in multiformed idea unfolding from its
seed,--in rainbow spectrum of the sun,--or light of moon in firefly flashing meadows.
6. “Behold the beauty of mating and of motherhood, and of thinking man inspired by communion
with the Light of Me which centereth him. Naught is there which is more beautiful than the
Light of Me mirrored from Me in eyes of inspired man who knoweth Me in him and heareth My
voice with inner ears, for reinspiring other men.
7. “Behold the beauty of drab earth’s oneness, womb of the myriad forms of My One Idea,
manifested by countless designs of My imagining,--by forest and jungle,--by dry hot desert and
the cooling mists of falling waters,--by birds of the air and beasts of the field,--by singing
insects and honey-making bees,--by big and little fishes of the seas,--and all mankind to whom I
have given dominion over all things for his weal or woe in accord with what he doeth to these
things of earth which I have given to him for his well-being.
8. “Behold thou these many treasures which I have given to man; and say thou to him that e’en
though beauty is in him, and in all things of earth, yet he shall not know Beauty in him, nor in
earth things of his sensing, till he knoweth Me in him and seeth Me in all forms of My
9. “For I again say that I alone am Beauty, as I also am Love and Truth. These treasures of My
high heavens are beyond vision of man of earth alone. Man of clay can but vision clay in all
things until he seeth Me in all things.
10. “The dawn of Beauty cometh to many when he beginneth to hear My whisperings with inner
ears and seeth the Light of Me centering all forms of My imagining.
11. “Verily I say that all My creations are extensions of My Light which Mirror My imaging in
rhythmic light waves of My thinking. As I, the Light which mirror them, am Beauty at their
Source, e’en so are all reflected forms in all My universal body beautiful to him who knoweth
Me as his source.
12. “Long aeons of man’s unfolding passeth before man’s awareness of Me in him awakens, and
still longer aeons passeth before man’s awareness of Me drowns out the dark of his early aeons.
13. “The measure of man’s awareness of Me is the measure of his awareness of Beauty in all
unfolding-refolding things.
14. “For I say to all men that the treasures of My kingdom of heaven which all are forever seeking
lieth within man himself.
15. “As man riseth above his sensing to be Me in his knowing, so shall all the treasures of My
kingdom be his in the measure of his knowing the Light of his Self as the Light of Me.
16. “In so far as man knoweth Beauty in him shall he know Love, and Truth, and Balance,--and the
peace which passeth all understanding.”


1. “Say thou these words to him who seeketh Beauty.
2. “He to whom Beauty is newly awakening may be likened unto the faltering steps of one who
would walk in a new art, but whose eyes are on the ground to place his steps, instead of the
Light of Me from whom his inspiration cometh.
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3. “He who would interpret My rhythms in art must walk his path in ecstasy, undiverted by
deviations, that he may see Me only, and hear naught but Me.
4. “For I am the Source of inspiration in man. To him who seeketh inspiration through Me, I say,
learn thou to walk thy strongly in the Light of Love, for in the dark thou canst not find thy way
to Me. The path to Me is Light, and by it thou canst well find thy way to Me.
5. “For I am the Soul of art. To him whose soul would touch My Soul, and feel the heart beat of its
mighty rhythms, say, in so far as thou knoweth thy Self as Light, thou shalt know Me as Light.
6. “For I am Beauty. In Beauty must man be born anew. Through Beauty must fearing man
become knowing man. Again through Beauty must knowing man be reborn as ecstatic man.
7. “Ecstatic man is he who has found Balance in Me by being Me. Ecstatic man is he who has
added Beauty to his knowing.
8. “To him who would add ecstasy to his knowing I say, seek Me in Truth; for only in the
balanced rhythms of Truth shalt thou find ecstasy.
9. “Naught of man’s creations shall endure which are not conceived and created in ecstasy.
10. “Creations of man which have not the Light of Me in them shall be as shifting sands.
11. “Verily I say, the creations of ecstatic man are My creations, for they are balanced things; and I
am Balance.
12. “To him who would create unbalance I say, untruth exists not in My house. I alone hold
Balance; and the eyes of him who seeth through Me are immune from all but Balance.
13. “For I am Balance. He who would find me must seek Balance.
14. “And I am Energy. My omnipotent power is man’s when he is Me.
15. “And I am Rest, which man may know by finding Self of him in Me.
16. “And I am the Light of Love and Life. And I am truth. Upon that foundation I have laid the
cornerstone of My universe.”









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