


ControllerConnectionStateReactor is a container which monitors the controller connection and input focus. It will set all objects in the list to active when the controller is connected and input focus is not captured by something else.

p.s. Input focus means “able to receive input”, normally known as “in foreground”. If overlay is shown, current scene will be in background and lose focus.

  • Size

Number of objects existing in the container.

  • Game objects

These objects are necessary to monitor the controller connection and input focus.


Script ControllerConnectionStateReactor.cs is located in Assets/WaveVR/Extra

How to Use

  1. ControllerConnectionStateReactor.cs can be attached to any GameObject.
  2. In Target Game Objects field, developer should input the number of GameObject(s) and drag GameObject(s) into field like:

Then these GameObject(s) can monitor the controller connection and input focus.