Release Notes


Release 2.0.37


  1. Fixed “While out-of-boundary, invoking SetArenaVisible to ForceOn virtual wall will cause the scene is black.”
  2. Fixed camera feature cannot work on 3-DoF mode.
  3. Release texture memory while app goes to background.
  4. Inform 6/3Dof Mode change to AP and DeviceService.
  5. Enable miracast + single-eye presentation.
  6. Fixed watchdog timeout on WVR_StartRender.
  7. Change android minSDKVersion to 25.
  8. 3/6 DoF mode switch configured by More Settings.
  9. Fixed miracast HMD and TV screen are both abnormal.
  10. Replace WVR_EventType_RecenterSuccess with WVR_EventType_RecenterSuccess_3DoF event when device is 3-DoF or in 3-DoF tracking mode.


  1. Change controller indicator “Trackpad” -> “Touchpad”.
  2. Add the button control feature to Gaze function.
  3. Reset button state after controller role is changed.
  4. Fix issue: AP does NOT receive role change event while in background.

Release 2.0.32


  1. Fixed app crash while VR device doesn’t install ConfigService.
  2. Allow content to set virtual wall WVR_ArenaVisible_Auto or WVR_ArenaVisible_ForceOn via SetArenaVisible function. WVR_ArenaVisible_ForceOff is still restricted for users’ safety.
  3. Removed “Launching” word of app switching picture.
  4. Fixed no button id in touchpad swipe event.
  5. Changed default mode of miracast to mirror mode.
  6. Upgraded the controller model of overlay.
  7. Fixed overlay controller hang after application suspend -> resume.
  8. Disable WVR_TriggerRecenter function for Vive Focus since Vive Focus has the system recenter flow and developers have no need to do recenter per content.
  9. Support left-handed mode. Note. The apps built with SDK 2.0.23 or former just support right-handed mode even users switch to left-handed mode via settings.
  10. Support 3DoF mode for the usage on vehicle.
  11. Support arm model controller for overlay.
  12. Change Miracast function from mirror mode with stereo distorted image to presentation mode with mono undistorted image.
  13. Change app switching image.
  14. Change app loader animation.


  1. Fixed touchpad of controller model sometimes may show blue effect even controller touchpad doesn’t be pressed.
  2. Fixed controller model indicator blurred with the translucent content scene.
  3. Fixed controller model indicator language cannot be switched real-time while system language is changed.
  4. Fixed controller model indicator cannot be shown while user turns to back.
  5. Set default value of controller model indicator OFF. Developer enables it by content demand.
  6. Fixed the flicker of controller model indicators.
  7. Fixed controller disappears while left/right hand switch.
  8. Add feature for hiding controller indicator when xangle > 90 degrees.
  9. Support controller mouse pointer mode to fix controller beam dot cross objects in visual but no hover event in fact.
  10. Fine tune controller arm model behavior.
  11. Fine tune the usage of controller module of unity plugin.
  12. Upgrade new controller model of Vive Focus, and add buttron effects and indicators.

Release 2.0.23


  1. Avoid onResume/onPause too fast resulting in Unity abnormal by sleeping 200ms in the main thread after calling unity resume.
  2. Avoid the black screen issue when the app crashes and onServerReady not along with onResume.
  3. Change texture number used in texture queue from 6 to 3 to shrink memory usage.

Release 2.0.22


  1. Adjust z-order of overlay modules to fix issue “Controller focus dot crosses overlay panel”.
  2. Shutdown device if device is idle more than 4 hours.


  1. Disable feature “Controller becomes transparent while user raises controller in front of eyes”.
  2. Fix issue “OnClick of button is called twice” in WaveVR_ControllerInputModule.cs.

Release 2.0.21


  1. Enable virtual wall for 3DoF contents.
  2. Fix some logic error for “New launched app inherits the last pose from previous app”.
  3. Fix issue “The launcher shifts 90 degrees after reboot device”.
  4. Fix issue “The content drifts after switch app”.
  5. Fix issue “Abnormal sensor polling caused system overhead”.
  6. Fix issue “Server crashes while controller is disconnected”.
  7. Hide controller model and disable button/touch/analog events until user does re-center successfully.
  8. Change the system overlay behavior from moving with head to fixed position.
  9. Change the controller beam style and position of system overlay.
  10. Change the Vive Wave logo while app launches.
  11. Fix issue “IME cannot be hit while the head is moving”.
  12. Fix issue “IME sluggish and broken”.


  1. Update Finch controller model
    • Change battery color from blue to white
    • Change button color and line width
    • Create touch-dot-texture dynamically if touchpad_use_texture is false
    • Changed: Finch controller & beam’s shape
    • Added: Finch controller transparency
    • Tune size of beam pointer
  2. Controller will become transparent if its position is closed to eye camera.

  3. Add a script ControllerFadeManager to help hiding controller when pitch is higher than 75 degree(this function IS NOT applied to controller by default).

  4. WaveVR_ControllerInputModule effects the WaveVR_ControllerPointer instead of the WaveVR_Reticle.

  5. Fine tune the behavior of arm model.

  6. Fix controller pose pulse issue.

  7. WaveVR_Render adds new checkbox, ‘TimeController’. This can help to set timeScale=0 if input focus is captured by system UI.