
It provides the interface for the controller.


setupConfig returns Controller device configure data before connect. It provides driver information to DeviceService. Check ControllerDevice.Config.

public Config setupConfig() {
    Config configure = new Config();
    configure.trackingSystemName = "Controller Device";
    return configure;

Virtual D-Pad button on Touchpad

The Virtual D-Pad button would be implemented on Touchpad by default to make up no physical D-Pad on controller. The setup of Virtual D-Pad is as follows:


If there is a physical D-Pad on controller, user can use the following code in setupConfig() method to set “the support of D-Pad button” and disable “Virtual D-Pad button” mechanism on Touchpad.

int support = 0;
support |= ButtonMaskFromId(WVR.InputId_Alias1_DPad_Left);
support |= ButtonMaskFromId(WVR.InputId_Alias1_DPad_Up);
support |= ButtonMaskFromId(WVR.InputId_Alias1_DPad_Right);
support |= ButtonMaskFromId(WVR.InputId_Alias1_DPad_Down);
configure.supportedButton = support; // Use physical D-Pad button
configure.disableVirtualDpad = true; // Disable "Virtual D-Pad button" mechanism


triggerVibrator called by the VR app to trigger the vibrator.

   public boolean triggerVibrator(int axis, long durationus) {
       Debug.Log("get triggerVibrator Notification");