
WVR_EXPORT const char* WVR_GetInitErrorString(WVR_InitError error)

Get the error description for the WVR_InitError.

const char*, refer the string description to know what error occurs
  • error -

    which indicate WVR_InitError type.

How to use

Here is an example for the function:

#include <wvr/wvr.h>

// Loading the WVR Runtime
WVR_InitError eError = WVR_InitError_None;
eError = WVR_Init(WVR_AppType_VRContent);

//Get the error description
if (eError != WVR_InitError_None) {
    LOGE("Unable to init VR runtime: %s", WVR_GetInitErrorString(eError));
    return false;

WVR_InitError includes the following below:

enum WVR_InitError

returned error of initialize VR runtime

Describes what kind of error is being returned by the WVR_Init function


WVR_InitError_None = 0

Init successed

WVR_InitError_Unknown = 1

Unknown error

WVR_InitError_NotInitialized = 2

Init failed