
WVR_EXPORT WVR_TextureQueueHandle_t WVR_ObtainTextureQueue(WVR_TextureTarget target, WVR_TextureFormat format, WVR_TextureType type, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int32_t level)

Obtain a new texture queue.

Several texture queue related methods are provided for maintaining textures. Call WVR_ReleaseTextureQueue to release the queue when the queue is no longer used.

The handle of the queue WVR_TextureQueueHandle_t.
  • target -

    Specifies the target texture. Must be WVR_TextureTarget_2D or WVR_TextureTarget_2D_ARRAY.

  • format -

    Specifies the number of color components in the texture. Must be WVR_TextureFormat_RGBA.

  • type -

    Specifies the data type of the pixel data. The following symbolic values are accepted: WVR_TextureType_UnsignedByte.

  • width -

    Specifies the width of the texture image.

  • height -

    Specifies the height of the texture image.

  • level -

    Specifies the level-of-detail number.

Struct and enumeration

enum WVR_TextureTarget

Target texture.

Enumerate the specific target texture to generate texture.



WVR_TextureTarget_2D: Correspond to OpenGL target texture GL_TEXTURE_2D


WVR_TextureTarget_2D_ARRAY: Correspond to OpenGL target texture GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY

enum WVR_TextureFormat

Texture format.

Enumerate the specific texture format to generate texture.



WVR_TextureFormat_RGBA: Correspond to OpenGL format of the pixel data GL_RGBA

enum WVR_TextureType

Texture type.

Enumerate the specific texture type to generate texture.



WVR_TextureType_UnsignedByte: Correspond to OpenGL data type of the pixel data GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE

typedef void* WVR_TextureQueueHandle_t

WVR_TextureQueueHandle_t: type define the name of texture queue handler instance in runtime.

How to use

Here is an example for the function:

// Must initialize render runtime once before calling all rendering-related API.
WVR_RenderInitParams_t param = {WVR_GraphicsApiType_OpenGL, WVR_RenderConfig_Timewarp_Asynchronous};
WVR_RenderError pError = WVR_RenderInit(&param);
if (pError != WVR_RenderError_None) {
    LOGE("Render init failed - Error[%d]", pError);

FrameBufferObject* fbo;
int QueueLength = 10;
uint32_t RenderWidth = 0, RenderHeight = 0;
WVR_GetRenderTargetSize(&RenderWidth, &RenderHeight);

if (gMultiview == false) {
    std::vector<FrameBufferObject*> LeftEyeFBO;
    std::vector<FrameBufferObject*> RightEyeFBO;

    //Get the texture queue handler
    void* mLeftEyeQ = WVR_ObtainTextureQueue(WVR_TextureTarget_2D, WVR_TextureFormat_RGBA, WVR_TextureType_UnsignedByte, RenderWidth, RenderHeight, 0);
    void* mRightEyeQ = WVR_ObtainTextureQueue(WVR_TextureTarget_2D, WVR_TextureFormat_RGBA, WVR_TextureType_UnsignedByte, RenderWidth, RenderHeight, 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < QueueLength; i++) {
        fbo = new FrameBufferObject((int)WVR_GetTexture(mLeftEyeQ, i).id, RenderWidth, RenderHeight);

        fbo = new FrameBufferObject((int)WVR_GetTexture(mRightEyeQ, i).id, RenderWidth, RenderHeight);
} else {
    std::vector<FrameBufferObject*> MultiviewFBO;

    // Utilize WVR_TextureTarget_2D_ARRAY as target texture for multiview extension.
    void* MultiviewQ = WVR_ObtainTextureQueue(WVR_TextureTarget_2D_ARRAY, WVR_TextureFormat_RGBA, WVR_TextureType_UnsignedByte, RenderWidth, RenderHeight, 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < QueueLength; i++) {
        fbo = new FrameBufferObject((int)WVR_GetTexture(MultiviewQ, i).id, RenderWidth, RenderHeight);