
WVR_EXPORT void WVR_TriggerVibrator(WVR_DeviceType type, WVR_InputId id = WVR_InputId_Max, unsigned short durationMicroSec = 65535)

Function to trigger vibrator.

  • type -

    which indicate what device type (refer to WVR_DeviceType)

  • id -

    indicates the WVR_InputId to trigger a vibrator on.

  • durationMicroSec -

    The duration when vibrator works, default value is 0.065535 second, max value is 65535

How to use

Here is an example for the function:

  • durationMicroSec: The number of microseconds to vibrate.
  • Maximum value for vibrate duration is 65536.
#include <wvr/wvr_device.h>

// Let left controller to trigger vibrator,
// set duration for which to turn on or off the vibrator in 0.01 seconds.
WVR_TriggerVibrator(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Left, WVR_InputId_Max, 10000);