- WVR_EXPORT WVR_Matrix4f_t WVR_GetTransformFromEyeToHead(WVR_Eye eye, WVR_NumDoF dof = WVR_NumDoF_6DoF)
Function to return the transform from eye space to the head space.
Eye space is the per-eye flavor of view space that provides stereo disparity. Instead of Model * View * Projection the model is Model * View * Eye * Projection. Normally View and Eye will be multiplied together and treated as View in your application.
This matrix incorporates the user’s interpupillary distance (IPD).
- Return
- The transform between the view space and eye space.
- Parameters
- eye -
Determines which eye the function should return the eye matrix for.
- dof -
Specify the DoF of current content. 6DoF transform considers the depth of eye to head but 3DoF not.
- eye -
Struct and enumeration¶
How to use¶
Here is an example for the function:
void exampleFun() {
WVR_Matrix4f_t matLeft = WVR_GetTransformFromEyeToHead(WVR_Eye_Left);
WVR_Matrix4f_t matRight = WVR_GetTransformFromEyeToHead(WVR_Eye_Right);
Matrix4 transLeft = Matrix4(
matLeft.m[0][0], matLeft.m[1][0], matLeft.m[2][0], matLeft.m[3][0],
matLeft.m[0][1], matLeft.m[1][1], matLeft.m[2][1], matLeft.m[3][1],
matLeft.m[0][2], matLeft.m[1][2], matLeft.m[2][2], matLeft.m[3][2],
matLeft.m[0][3], matLeft.m[1][3], matLeft.m[2][3], matLeft.m[3][3]
Matrix4 transRight = Matrix4(
matRight.m[0][0], matRight.m[1][0], matRight.m[2][0], matRight.m[3][0],
matRight.m[0][1], matRight.m[1][1], matRight.m[2][1], matRight.m[3][1],
matRight.m[0][2], matRight.m[1][2], matRight.m[2][2], matRight.m[3][2],
matRight.m[0][3], matRight.m[1][3], matRight.m[2][3], matRight.m[3][3]
Matrix4 transFromHeadToLeftEye = transLeft.invert();
Matrix4 transFromHeadToRightEye = transRight.invert();