
WVR_EXPORT WVR_RenderError WVR_RenderInit(const WVR_RenderInitParams_t * param)

The interface to initiate the render runtime.

Render runtime is in charge of pre-processing the rendered scene before updating to display. To initiate render runtime, this interface is recommended to be invoked before the following interfaces in some platforms, such as WVR_RenderMask, WVR_SubmitFrame, WVR_ObtainTextureQueue, WVR_GetTextureQueueLength, WVR_GetAvailableTextureIndex, WVR_GetAvailableTextureIndex, WVR_GetAvailableTextureIndex, WVR_GetTexture, WVR_ReleaseTextureQueue, WVR_RequestScreenshot, WVR_StartRenderer, WVR_IsRendererRendering, and WVR_GetSyncPose.

Instead of default configuration and selecting OpenGL graphics API, the first shot of WVR_RenderInit invocation can provide the customized initiating configuration and selecting supported graphics library via the argument WVR_RenderInitParams_t. Based on the return type WVR_RenderError, the status of render runtime initialization can be determined.

WVR_RenderError, this return type enumerates all the possible error status for this interface.
  • param -

    pointer of struct WVR_RenderInitParams_t, to aggregate necessary information to initialize the render runtime.

Struct and enumeration

The srtuct WVR_RenderInitParams is defined as below.

struct WVR_RenderInitParams

Render initialization parameters.

Aggregate necessary information to initialize the render runtime.

Public Members

WVR_GraphicsApiType graphicsApi

Select the supported graphics api library, currently, only support OpenGL.

uint64_t renderConfig

4 bytes bit mask to choose combination of render initializing configuration. The corresponding enumeration is defined in WVR_RenderConfig

enum WVR_GraphicsApiType

Graphics API for render support.

Texture type is only supported OpenGL currently. There will be other types of graphics API in future release.


WVR_GraphicsApiType_OpenGL = 1

WVR_GraphicsApiType_OpenGL: Specify OpenGL as graphics API during render runtime initializing.

enum WVR_RenderConfig

Render runtime initialization configuration.

Developer can determine whether render runtime use the additional method to improve the user experience after runtime initializing. The render configuration is a 4 bytes bit mask which is able to combine with these methods. This bit mask should be set to the member renderConfig of WVR_RenderInitParams_t. As a necessary part of input parameter of interface WVR_RenderInit, the render configurations are passed to render runtime initializing stage.


WVR_RenderConfig_Default = 0x0000

WVR_RenderConfig_Default: Set the render runtime without direct mode, MSAA, vertical sync, timewarp, and asynchronous time warp

WVR_RenderConfig_Direct_Mode = 0x0001

WVR_RenderConfig_Direct_Mode: Runtime uses direct mode when this config is asserted. The direct mode determine whether runtime controls over frame queue based on specific timing of vertical retrace occurring on display. This method helps to reduce latency and improve the visual experience.

WVR_RenderConfig_MSAA = 0x0002

WVR_RenderConfig_MSAA: Set config to enable MSAA effect to runtime.

WVR_RenderConfig_Vertical_Sync = 0x0010

WVR_RenderConfig_Vertical_Sync: Determine the runtime front/back buffer behavior whether buffers swap upon vertical retrace occurring on display.

WVR_RenderConfig_Timewarp = 0x0100

WVR_RenderConfig_Timewarp: The timewarp is also known as reprojection. This config determine that runtime choose to correct the rendered scene based on the head movement before updateing the result to display. This method help to reduce the judder.

WVR_RenderConfig_Timewarp_Asynchronous = 0x0300

WVR_RenderConfig_Timewarp_Asynchronous: This config determine whether runtime uses the Asynchronous time warp method. Asynchrounous timewarp is held parallelly with scene rendering. Runtime determines to use the generated timewarped frame when the frame rate drops. This method helps to reduce latency.

enum WVR_RenderError

Error for render runtime initialization.

The return value for the initializing interface WVR_RenderInit.


WVR_RenderError_None = 0

WVR_RenderError_None: No error.

WVR_RenderError_RuntimeInitFailed = 410

WVR_RenderError_RuntimeInitFailed: The dependent component is failed to block render runtime initializing go on.

WVR_RenderError_ContextSetupFailed = 411

WVR_RenderError_ContextSetupFailed: The necessary context for runtime is failed to accomplish.

WVR_RenderError_DisplaySetupFailed = 412

WVR_RenderError_DisplaySetupFailed: The display configuration for display is failed to set up.

WVR_RenderError_LibNotSupported = 413

WVR_RenderError_LibNotSupported: The provided graphics api type is not supported by runtime.

WVR_RenderError_NullPtr = 414

WVR_RenderError_NullPtr: Not passing Null check.

WVR_RenderError_Max = 65535

WVR_RenderError_Max: Maxium value to reserve bit word among compilers .

How to use

Here is an example for the function:

#include <wvr/wvr_render.h>

void initRuntime() {
    // Load the WVR Runtime before invoking WVR_RenderInit
    WVR_InitError eError = WVR_InitError_None;
    eError = WVR_Init(WVR_AppType_VRContent);
    if (eError != WVR_InitError_None) {
        LOGE("Unable to init VR runtime: %s", WVR_GetInitErrorString(eError));
        return false;

    // Must initialize render runtime before calling all rendering-related API.
    WVR_RenderInitParams_t param = {WVR_GraphicsApiType_OpenGL, WVR_RenderConfig_Timewarp_Asynchronous};
    WVR_RenderError pError = WVR_RenderInit(&param);
    if (pError != WVR_RenderError_None) {
        LOGE("Render init failed - Error[%d]", pError);