Eugene Bagashov: Quantum Mechanics? I’m not Copenhagen!

Presentation – Eugene Bagashov

Quantum Mechanics? I’m not Copenhagen!

Dane Ngahuka – Maori Warrior of Light

Millikan Oil Drop Experiment 1959 Documentary

R. Careaga – The Great Pyramids of Kentucky

Sf. R. Careaga, BSEE, MSTOM

Constellation alignments in the Broaddus (Ft. Ancient) Site

The pyramids of Kentucky are only partially researched, and certainly unknown to the public. Previous efforts to research and publicize them ended with very little about them being retained, meanwhile the unknown ones remain primarily on private land. The parabolic pyramid-mounds of the Broaddus site remain on federal land, however, at the Bluegrass Army Depot, and have miraculously survived basically intact.

Their angular, distance, and dimensional alignments to Giza, Caracol (Belize), Orion, and Cygnus are studied utilizing precise ratios taken from multiple sources. Variances between the ratios are compared to analyze similarities and differences in design that can be understood from LiDAR (due to inaccessibility to the site) courtesy of the Kentucky From Above program. After some discussion of the results as relates the Orion and Cygnus Configuration Theories, the data is constrained to the 1000-2000 CE period and compared with Orion and Cygnus to obtain the actual delta of the angles. The ratios are used to form a triangular relationship and look for best-fit-curve for all the sites, but primarily Broaddus.

Richard Moore – Climate Variation & its Cosmic Origins

Richard K. Moore
Featured on other sites:  Serendipity

Abstract: The emerging electric model of the universe holds the key to understanding the causes of long and short-term climate variation. The pattern of variation has very specific characteristics, characteristics that match the behavior of a noisy electrical circuit. The electric model reveals that the Earth is indeed connected to a cosmic electrical circuit, a circuit that is subject to the kind of noise that could produce the patterns seen in the Earth’s temperature record.

Earth’s fractal temperature pattern

The past 420,000 years – the ice-age cycle

The most reliable long-term temperature record we have comes from ice core data. The charts presented here are based on data downloaded from the World Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder. The Antarctic dataset comes from Vostok, and goes back 420,000 years. The Arctic dataset comes from Greenland, and goes back 50,000 years. Both datasets are useful up until about 1880 AD. Vostok temperatures are shown in red; Greenland temperatures are shown in green.

The temperatures shown for each dataset are expressed in degrees centigrade, relative to the dataset’s temperature in 1800 AD, which is shown as zero. The years are expressed as a calendar date, negative indicating BC. Only values up to 1800 AD are shown in these charts, so that we’ll be looking at natural climate variation, prior to any effects that might arise from industrial-era greenhouse gas emissions.

In this long-term record we see a fractal pattern – the same kind of pattern occurring on different scales. On the largest scale, we a sequence of first-tier temperature spikes of about 10° C, occurring with an irregular frequency of about 100,000 years. In between these spikes are ice ages, and the tops of the spikes give us our brief inter-glacial periods of about 10,000 years. On a smaller scale we see a similar pattern of second-tier spikes in the range of 2°–5°, occurring with a semi-regular frequency of about 10,000 years. As we’ll see in later charts, this fractal pattern, of semi-regular spikes, continues on ever-smaller timescales.