Electric View Bios

Neil Thompson

Neil is an Electrical Engineering Technologist and Electric Universe Theorist from New Brunswick, Canada. He has worked with the Electric Universe Paradigm for over a dozen years. A Scholar at EU2015 accepted for writing his paper “As History has Shown” which was a primer for EU enthusiasts. he followed it up by volunteering for EU2016 and writing a second paper “The Internal Constitution of Planets” challenging Eddington’s planetary and stellar formation models where he hosted an EU Creative Arts Workshop. This was the year of the Michael Steinbacher Memorial Geology Tour which he was a tour guide for.

At EU2017 he volunteered again and presented “Fire From the Skies” a look at the nature of planetary capacitance and how it affects incoming meteors. After that he went on several geology tours with Andy Hall, Peter Mungo Jupp, Andrew Fitts, Robert Hawthorne and Bruce Leybourne exploring many hidden geologic gems of the American South West.

A Volunteer for the Thunderbolts Project and moderator of a dozen or so EU groups he was encouraged to start a podcast with his newfound friends here.

Robert Hawthorne

Robert  lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. He and his father, Robert Sr. , exhibited at EU 2017. They attribute electrical discharge between planets in a younger solar system as the primary mechanism causing craters on the moon and the other planets, including the Earth.

At the advice of a scientist from Brigham Young University, Hawthorne was guided to Dr. Eugene Shoemaker, co-discoverer of comet, Shoemaker-Levy 9, which famously affected Jupiter in 1994. Shoemaker’s curiosity was peaked so he visited Hawthorne and took a field trip to the unique stone. Shoemaker said  that, “Upheaval Dome is the best example of a deep impact crater on the face the Earth” (1996). Sadly, Dr. Shoemaker died in car accident later that year.

Curiosity continues.

Heather Stargazer

Heather Stargazer is an author, artist, and Galaxy Class Stargazer who hales from somewhere near the 42nd parallel. Her work is the product of the inspirational spaces within which we all reside. Working with several dedicated members and organizations of the Electric Universe community, she has invited us to explore these new realms of electromagnetic possibilities and connect to a whole new understanding of what has come before us and where we are going in the future.

There are currents that flow between all facets of Science, History, Nature, and Humanity. These currents are the key to unlocking the next level of our collective understanding. Please join us on this journey as we wake up in real time to the Electric Universe.

Who knows what we’ll know tomorrow?

Edo Kaal

Edo has studied fundamental and environmental chemistry most of his life. After working in the IT sector for 10 years, he began an independent research effort. His journey of discovery led him to revise the atomic structure. He has always had a passion for the expressions in nature and a fascination for science whereby the elements have always been of special interest and attraction. At the EU2016 conference, Edo presented his re-envisioned atomic structure for the first time in the Breakout Room and at the EU2017 conference he presented SAM at the main-stage. Currently, his attention goes towards further developing SAM and the study of transmutations using the model. He and James Sorensen created Ethereal Matters, LLC, a foundation for fundamental research.

Edo resides in the Netherlands.

Richard Moore

Richard studied math, science, and programming at Stanford, and graduated with a B.S. in math ‘with distinction’. He Spent 30 years in the Silicon Valley software industry, working for leading-edge companies, Xerox Parc, Apple Advanced Technology, and many others, including a startup of my own, which developed the first user-friendly email app for the PC, c. 1985, in pre-Internet days

It occurred to him that the climate record resembles an audio signal, like you might see displayed when listening to a music podcast. In the Electric Universe model stars and planets are connected by electric currents, conducted through the plasma that pervades space. These observations led him to the hypothesis that climate change is an electrical phenomenon. He  presented that hypothesis at an annual conference of the Thunderbolts Project, the organization that brings together the researchers who are pursuing the Electric Universe model.

This brings us up to the current moment.

Buddy Dougherty

Buddy proposes a model of dynamics in space and time eponymously named The Dougherty Set which incorporates the Golden Ratio into a system that describes universal motion with scalar recursion. The recognition of congruence between Birkeland Currents and TDS inspired him to focus his studies on the works of EU Luminaries.

He exhibited his work on The Dougherty set at EU 2017.  Buddy is currently formalizing his work on TDS, He creates Lichtenberg figures in multiple mediums especially on wood.

Buddy hosts the Sunday version of the Electric View which he occasionally decides to attend.

Rumor has it he designs at Norad and exists as a real life super-hero.

David Johnson

David is an electrical and computer engineer who’s interest in the Electric Universe began after reading Paul A. LaViolette’s “Beyond the Big Bang”.

Between 2007 and 2015 he served as Director of Software Engineering for the medical device company Magnetecs.

He currently creates educational and exploratory simulations in VR and demonstrates a variety plasma models using SMP on the HTC Vive.

Don’t get all hyperbolic on me now.

030 EU Meetup April 17th, 2018

Electric View Bios

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Vladimir Bulatov – ShapeWays – Hyperbolic Tiling

3D Hyperbolic Tiling and Horosphere Cross Section

Vladimir Bulatov,


Joint AMS/MAA meeting

San Diego, January 10, 2018

Art Bell – Radio legend found dead at his home in Pahrump, Nevada


According to the Nye County Sheriff’s Department in Nevada:

“Community Announcement — Long time resident, and radio show host, Art Bell died today at 72 years old in his home in Pahrump Nevada,” the Sheriff’s Department announced on Facebook. “With an estimated 10 million listeners, Bell’s show was at the time of his retirement the most listened-to late-night radio program, and fourth overall,”

Arthur Bell III was born in North Carolina in 1945. “By the age of 13, Art was an FCC licensed radio technician. A few years later, as a young airman, Bell and an equally foolhardy buddy built their own pirate radio station right on Amarillo Air Force base, secretly broadcasing Rock ‘n’ Roll to appreciative locals.

Derrick Jensen – Enchantment

There are those people in your life who you have yet to meet, whose words reached out to you from worn pages of a friend’s book you found as an interesting note on the floor. The words that rang through your Self like the gong of a bell echoing off the rocks of your foundation.  So that nothing else will ever sound quite the same. Their printed voice changed the songs you sing and the levels that you hear. Sometimes, in the purest of luck, you get to meet this person. You get to ask them how they are doing today. You get to listen to their voice speak like music playing notes right off the page and you get to sit down and ask them questions. If I were you, or maybe, if you were me… That person would be, Derrick Jensen and this, is the luckiest of days.

“We have a need for enchantment that is as deep and devoted as our need for food and water.”
― Derrick JensenThe Culture of Make Believe

“Many Indians have told me that the most basic difference between Western and indigenous ways of being is that Westerners view the world as dead, and not as filled with speaking, thinking, feeling subjects as worthy and valuable as themselves.”
― Derrick Jensen

“In order to maintain our way of living, we must tell lies to each other, and especially to ourselves.”
― Derrick JensenEndgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization

“We were not meant for this. We were meant to live and love and play and work and even hate more simply and directly. It is only through outrageous violence that we come to see this absurdity as normal, or to not see it at all. Each new child has his eyes torn out so he will not see, his ears removed so he will not hear, his tongue ripped out so he will not speak, his mind juiced so he will not think, and his nerves scraped so he will not feel. Then he is released into a world broken in two: others, like himself, and those to be used. He will never realize that he still has all of his senses, if only he will use them. If you mention to him that he still has ears, he will not hear you. If he hears, he will not think. Perhaps most dangerously of all, if he thinks he will not feel. And so on, again.”
― Derrick JensenThe Culture of Make Believe

“I had broken the most basic commandment of our culture: Thou shalt pretend there is nothing wrong.”
― Derrick JensenA Language Older Than Words

“So many indigenous people have said to me that the fundamental difference between Western and indigenous ways of being is that even the most open-minded westerners generally view listening to the natural world as a metaphor, as opposed to the way the world really is. Trees and rocks and rivers really do have things to say to us.”
― Derrick JensenWhat We Leave Behind

Continue reading “Derrick Jensen – Enchantment”

The Heart is not a Pump


To any doctor trained in today’s medical schools, the idea that the heart may not be a pump would, at first sight, appear to be about as logi­cal as suggesting that the sun rises in the West or that water flows uphill. So strongly is the pump concept in­grained in the col­lective psyche that even trying to think otherwise is more than most people can man­age. Yet Rudolf Steiner, a man not given to unscien­tific or slipshod thinking, was quite clear on the matter and reiterated time and again that the heart is not a pump. “The blood drives the heart, not the heart the blood.”

Ralph Marinelli* and his co-workers published a paper refuting the generally-accepted pressure-propulsion premise. For a start, they draw atten­tion to the sheer volume of work which the heart would have to do if it were solely responsible for pumping inert blood through the vessels of the circula­tory system. Blood is five times as vis­cous as water. According to the propul­sion premise the heart would have to pump 8000 liters of blood a day in a body at rest and considerably more during ac­tivity, through millions of capillaries the diameters of which are sometimes smaller than the red blood cells them­selves – a huge task for a relatively small, muscular organ weighing only 300 grams.

Once the questions start being asked, the anomalies in currently accepted dogma become apparent. For instance, if blood were pumped under pressure out of the left ventricle into the aorta dur­ing systole, the pressure pulse would cause the aortic arch to try and straighten out, as happens in any Bourdon tube pressure gauge. In practice the exact oppo­site happens; the curve increases, indi­cating that the aorta is undergoing a nega­tive, rather than a positive, pressure.

Another paradoxical finding con­cerns the mechanics of fluid flow under pulsatile pressure. When a pressure pulse is applied to a viscous fluid in a closed vessel, the liquid initially resists move­ment through its own inertia. The pres­sure, therefore, peaks before the fluid velocity peaks. In the aorta, exactly the opposite happens where a peak flow markedly precedes peak pressure, a fact which was observed in 1860 by Chaveau and Lortet. So just what is going on in­side the circulation?

Misleading sketch of the heart by Leonardo do Vinci (1). The left ventricle wall is shown uniform in thickness as it would he in a pressure chamber. Actually the left ventricle wall thickness varies by about 1800% as Marinelli and his group measured in bovine hearts (2). The apex wall is so soft and weak that it can be pierced with the index finger. The peculiar variability in the ventricular wall thickness is not in keeping with the heart as pressure generator. However, Leonardo’s Notebooks has been used in most biology, physiology, and medical texts during the last few hundred  years as well as in most modern anatomy texts in the last decades (3). Thus, false sketches have served to bear witness to a false premise.

As Marinelli et al point out, the pres­sure-propulsion model of blood circula­tion rests on four major premises: (1) blood is naturally inert and must, there­fore, be forced to circulate; (2) there is a random mix of formed particles in the blood; (3) blood cells are under pressure at all times; (4) blood is amorphous and is forced to fill its vessels and take on their form.

Continue reading “The Heart is not a Pump”

029 EU Meetup April 10th, 2018


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