Chris Monk Sellye – Earth Electric Circuit

Overlay comparison of the US West coast gravity anomaly (base map) to the magnetic anomaly map (More pink one) and the detailed geological smaller map of the area.

4 Anomalies in The Big Bang Afterglow:


As the theory goes; some 14 billion years ago, there was “nothing” focalized in a single, highly-dense point. Then, that “nothing” exploded, hurling the ingredients for everything we see in the universe into existence. On paper, it sounds insane. Heck, its kind of IS insane, but we have several pieces of solid (but not irrefutable) evidence that show not only could it have happened this way, but that it probably did.

One such proof comes in the form of the “Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation,” (CMB or CMBR) the after-glow of the big bang, if you will. It gives us an opportunity to understand the very first moments following the creation of the universe, yet it also poses many tantalizing mysteries that threaten to unhinge the very fabric on which we believe the universe was formed.

Before we go into those, let’s first explore what the CMBR is. Amazingly, this story has a crappy start.

In 1965, before two scientists, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, started measuring radio signals as they bounced from balloon satellites for NASA’s “Project Echo,” they needed to take preventive measures to make sure the data they collected was completely incorruptible.

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Eugene Bagashov & Jim Weninger Oumuamua Data Reveals Intriguing Possibilities – Reference



Astronomers have known since the 1970s that the Solar Neighborhood lies in the middle of an enormous “Local Bubble” of million-degree, ionized hydrogen gas, surrounded by a wall of colder, denser neutral gas.

Astronomers have known since the 1970s that the Solar Neighborhood lies in the middle of an enormous “Local Bubble” of million-degree, ionized hydrogen gas, surrounded by a wall of colder, denser neutral gas.

Within this hot bubble, gas density is much sparser, with some 100 to 1,000 times fewer hydrogen atoms, than the average density of the rest of the Milky Way’s spiral disk. The Local Bubble was thought, at first, to be an asymmetric cavity of 330 to 490 light-years (ly) — 100 to 150 parsecs (pc) — in diameter.

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Viktor Schauberger – Living Energy


Schauberger was a big full-bearded man and could be ferociously gruff; he had no patience with greed-motivated fools. But he was untiringly patient when learning from his teacher—the natural world. In Alpine forests, along rivers and in the fields of wise old traditional farmers, the forester/scientist learned about a life-enhancing energy which enters a substance such as water or air through inward-spiraling movements of the substance.

During his lifetime of study he copied nature’s motions in his own engineering.

“Prevailing technology uses the wrong forms of motion. It is based on entropy—on motions which nature uses to break down and scatter materials. Nature uses a different type of motion for creating order and new growth.”

The prevailing explosion based technology—fuel-burning and atom-splitting—fills the world with expanding, heat-generating centrifugal motion, he warned. On the other hand, energy production and other technologies could instead use inward-moving, cold-generating centripetal motion, w h i c h nature employs to build and enliven substances.

Even hydroelectric power plants use destructive motion, he said; they pressure water and chop it through turbines. The result is dead water. His suction turbine, on the other hand, invigorated water. The result, he said, was clean healthy water.


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