Kubrick interpreted – 2001: A Masonic Odyssey

Evan Grant – Making sound visible through cymatics

Lionel – Wet Works


WARNING: THIS WILL BOGGLE YOUR MIND. Completely and permanently.

Wetware is defined as “humorous: human brain cells or thought processes regarded as analogous to, or in contrast with, computer systems” and (chiefly in science fiction) “computer technology in which the brain is linked to artificial systems, or used as a model for artificial systems based on biochemical processes.” No. This is here and now. This is not science fiction. The front man for government Big Brother has been identified and he holds the most disruptive patent ever facing civilization and human evolution. I interview Thomas Paine who along with Betsy Ross explore the corrupt U.S. Patent Office and how it has laid the digital web over the entire planet. No one will be able to escape unless we act now to sever its hydra-head. These are critical pieces that accompany and supplement the items discussed and referred.



Also ‘How Hillary Crashes Cars and Planes’:


This was their most poignant video: Meet Big Brother — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIIbq…