Carl Jung: The Attitude which the Art Demands from its Adepts

It had a soul which lay in the darkness and it was their task to seek it there

Lecture III 16th May, 1941

In the last lecture we began considering the evidence, which is to be found in the writings of the old masters, as to the attitude which the art demands from its adepts.

We will continue this subject today.

The next passage is from the “BOOK OF KRATES, a text which has come to us through the Arabs, but which, judging by its subject matter, certainly dates back to Alexandrian times.

There is a dialogue between an adept and an angel.

Such dialogues are by no means rare in the alchemistic literature, the philosophical content is often depicted in the form of conversations.

There is even a famous classic, the “Turba philosophorum”, which is written in the form of a supposed meeting of all the old Greek philosophers to discuss the secrets of the art.

In our passage from the “Book of Krates” it is an angel who is interviewed by an “artifex” (an artist) , that is, by a philosopher who, we are told, was a “pneumatikos” (a spiritual man).

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048 EU Meetup September 4th, 2018






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047 EU Meetup August 28rd, 2018

Context 1
… Odehnal: Common Normals of Two Tori 61 The generators of the quartic ruled surface Φ defined by (19) carring the continuum of common normals of T 1 and T 2 meet the spine curves s 1 and s 2 orthogonally. This is equivalent to s 1 − s 2 , s ̇ 1 − s 1 − s 2 , s ̇ 2 = 0. Integration yields s 1 − s 2 , s 1 − s 2 = const . and consequently on each common normal the two spine curves enclose a segment of the same length. Thus we have Thus s 2 is a Villarceau-circle of a torus T 1 with spine curve s 1 . For Villarceau sections and generalizations the reader may be referred to [1, 11, 14]. On the other hand we can shrink T 1 such that it degenerates to s 1 and simultaneously we can blow up T 2 such that s 1 becomes one of its Villarceau-circles. Both cases can be seen as borderline cases of tori with infintely many common normals. This is illustrated in Fig. 7. The right choice of radii of meridian curves of T 1 and T 2 , respectively, leads to tori in line contact. In this case the meridian radii r 1 and r 2 sum up to 2 d . Since the curve of intersection of two tori is of degree eight and both surfaces share the absolute conic 3 the curve of contact is of degree four. In general it is not a circle with multiplicity two since Φ given by (19) contains only the two circles s 1 and s 2 , respectively.

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046 EU Meetup August 23rd, 2018


Detection of Rossby Waves on the Sun

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