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Weak Double Layers in the Solar Wind and their Relation to the Interplanetary Electric Field
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Weak Double Layers in the Solar Wind and their Relation to the Interplanetary Electric Field
Oct 15 (2 days ago) ![]() |
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Cecil Ronson – Plasma Labs (not found sp?)
Lowell Morgan – Experimental Plasma
Helix Nebula
Garret Hill – Alfven
Typical Alfvén Waves
Kinetic Alfvén Waves
Alfven Nobel Speech – MHD
When I describe the [plasma phenomena] according to this formulism most referees do not understand what I say and turn down my papers. With the referee system which rules US science today, this means that my papers are rarely accepted by the leading US journals.[14]
Experimental Plasma Research
New Light – Bias – Mel Acheson – Occam’s Beard – Epistomology
It is in this context that, as Mel writes: “it’s necessary for Ockham to grow a beard of speculations that revolutionizes what we used to know.”
FET – BiPolar Junction – 20s pivotal time
Star Distances – Star Cluster Field of View –
Lorentz nor Poincare
Relativity priority dispute
Still, neither Lorentz nor Poincare ever whole-heartedly embraced special relativity, for reasons that may best be summed up by Lorentz when he wrote |
Yet, I think, something may also be claimed in favor of the form in which I have presented the theory. I cannot but regard the aether, which can be the seat of an electromagnetic field with its energy and its vibrations, as endowed with a certain degree of substantiality, however different it may be from all ordinary matter. In this line of thought it seems natural not to assume at starting that it can never make any difference whether a body moves through the aether or not, and to measure distances and lengths of time by means of rods and clocks having a fixed position relatively to the aether. |
Chaos at 50
Super Ultra Specialization – Reductionism –
Red Shift Falicy – Cosmology Quest – Documentary – Eric Lerner – “Big Bang Never Happened Theory – Velvet Hammer – Berbige – Halton Arp Quasars Controversies – Plasma Cosmology – Jans Alfmen – Anthony Peratt – Things in front of things – Doppler Effect – Galaxies – Opposite of what – “Seeing Red”
Gabriel Keleman – Cymatics
Dave Lapoint – 3 Videos – Double Slit experiment – Matter is formed
The VU – Radial Attractors:
7:53 PM (11 hours ago) ![]() |
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Jean and Jim
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 8:13 PM, Juan Calsiano <juancalsiano@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry, here is the book.On 18 October 2017 at 00:09, Juan Calsiano <juancalsiano@gmail.com> wrote:
Start with a nice force-free filament as described by the LSBC model. Such an “inviscid” effectively ideal flow can continue to flow without any significant losses for as long as the larger environment allows it to flow.
Now imagine that such a flow, instead of flowing more or less linearly (even if a part of a larger helix), can now start to steeply curl. For example, if you consider the wave-structure aspect of the filament, consider that such filament encounters a steep density gradient that forces the filament to refract towards the density gradient. Imagine that the physical variables that relate to the filament and to the density gradient are of such particular values that the refraction produces the filament “wave front” to make a ring and thus perfectly join a previous part of the filament, not unlike an ouroboros. A stable self-sustaining discrete layered toroidal force-free structure is born.
Now check out the images on page 147 (and onwards) on the attached book.You may want to google a bit about these Beltrami vortices.
In fluid dynamics, Beltrami flows are flows in which the vorticity vectorand the velocity vector
are parallel to each other.
On force-free magnetic fields and beltrami flows
Solenoidal vector fields, which satisfy the condition that the field vector everywhere parallels to its curl, have complex topological structures, and usually show chaotic behaviors. In this paper, analytical solutions for vector fields with constant proportional factor in three basic coordinate systems are presented and it is pointed out that a Beltrami flow can sustain a steady force-free magnetic field in a perfectly conducting fluid, provided the magnetic field is parallel to the velocity everywhere.On 17 October 2017 at 21:18, Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com> wrote:
Crazy pool vortex
This unique phenomenon can be easily reproduced in a pool on a sunny day. Subscribe – http://www.youtube.com/sub… Sorry if I already sent this. (I’m having trouble with my email)The idea here is that the pair of counter rotating pool vortices can not be understood by looking at the plane of the pool’s surface. Could this be true for counter rotating galaxies as well? The question, given observation of galactic “sheets”, is if these are not “sheets”, but in fact “boundaries” between regions of different plasma density. Plasma does seem to behave this way here maybe: (???)
Oct 8 (9 days ago) ![]() |
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Jean and Juan,
On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 7:54 PM, Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com> wrote:
Here is an image of the sun, in the local clouds. The mainstream describes the sun’s motion as “skimming the surface” of our cloud, but also doing so in the region between two adjacent clouds. http://www.dailygalaxy.com/.a/6a00d8341bf7f753ef01b7c7201e 0b970b-pi Those clouds themselves, are imbedded in the “shells” shown hereSo that might put the sun in a similar situation as the sphere in the coke can
This Geometry keep coming to mind – as I read your email:
On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 8:36 AM, don mitchell <don86326@gmail.com> wrote:
David, here’s the windy email I asked if you wanted to read….Hi David,
I was amazed to see your earlier image-version during our talk, like the output graphic you sent, except is was more ‘mature,’ looking like two spheres with the banding, separated by a small amount where a tiny hourglass resides. 1/r gravity model can’t do that with a planet at center. Particles accelerate and pass-through center to transform (over time, evolve over time) from one sphere to two spheres of banded surface element-density. First blush brings to mind that perhaps the ether matrix could host the transformation of a spherical charge (dielectric) into striated, dual spheres (dipole magnetism), with some separation. Just by iterating 1/r. Still amazed.
Here is the sunflower chemical-oscillator spiral auxin thing I had posted, in my Fibonacci page: http://portal.groupkos.com/ind
ex.php?title=Fibonacci_Sequenc e#Fibonacci_Sequence_in_Nature
That is an excerpt from American Physical Society, ‘Synopsis: How Plants Do Their Math.’ What I explained isn’t there, as a chemical oscillator pulsing as a function of a growth-vector (auxin distribution affects growth per region). I either read it while researching, or imagined it.Warning Will Robinson! Alien text approaching!
You asked how I would go about testing the star-collapse analogy (in copper). I talked about the conductive loops of a torus knot that are analogous to the rotating AND compressing, in-rolling, shrinking torus topology within the volume of the (spinning) collapsing stellar plasma medium, with plasma rivers as torus knots of some degree. A nifty sub-analogy happens between the thunderous sonic vibrations of the scalar (sonic) medium of the collapsing star plasma (extreme pressurized chaos), and the timing-noise within the rotary step-phase pulse-timing.
While I can test for natural resonant frequency in a torus knot, after mastering measurement technique on simpler circular loops, and radial arrays of loops slanted to the Villarceau angle (like that copper loop thing I built), I hope to investigate the higher-order sub-harmonics that are driven by the impulse of random thunder-claps of the star analogy – or in copper, the timing jitter of the phase-stepped pulse driver for the ring-array of resonant conductors. That is, when over-driven (thunderously), the copper resonator selects higher frequencies of harmonic multiples above the fundamental resonance, while all frequency components are simultaneously the same resonant topology (resonant magnetic topology assumes charge-surfaces (voltage patterns) created by induced dielectric charge).
If I continue to live long enough, resonant studies then tweak a sequence of data-driven design iterations/tests to illuminate what happens to a 3D resonant structure that has a magnetic disconnect within the resonant surface. That is the inner and outer loops that are magnetically disconnected in the orthogonal torus knot, when electrically juvenated. Will the square Phi knot achieve a level of resonance within the inner windings before or after the outer loops fall into a resonant dwell? Will both inner and outer knot windings have resonant frequencies (coherent structures) that are inter-related? Or have independent frequency-sets?
I hope to discover, in my penultimate pipe-dream, how to develop a resonator with a torus knot step-rotary array that energizes in bifilar fashion (self-cancelling current symmetry) to form a magnetic torus/vortex with a dielectric-charge center, while the coherent structure is encapsulated in an outer-charge of the opposite polarity. Some tricks required (a 2D skyrmion in a thin film at the torus plane, or in a metallic nano-crystal random surface, or such) to seed an normally impossible coherent structure (structurally-assisted strain-organized field assembly). The final versions of small coils may need power levels perhaps over ten thousand Watts to sufficiently overdrive a bifilar winding into dipolar resonance. Rather than chasing the higher wattage versions (needed for more power) with faster/bigger transistors, the spiral-wound capacitive-inductor patents describe how to develop a very-high-voltage push-pull resonator that can be controlled/switched/dialed by digital logic over common driver transistors, which logic is the ring-oscillator of the noisy rotary square Phi knot array thingie.
Oh boy. That’s a load. Thanks for asking 🙂
cheers, d
p.s If the radial velocity of the magnetic rotation of a square Phi device at scale produces a propagation of magnetic density change, per Znidarsic’s theory based on real, measured data, at or near to Znidarsic’s velocity (1.094 mega-meter-seconds), then nuclear field (matter near field) effects may emerge within the resonant field, which could be both disastrous and wonderful. Differently, the near field of the atomic matrix of a copper resonator may structuralize a magnetic resonance at one certain frequency, per the scale of the device. Aim: formation of a macro-giant 3D skyrmion (a magnetic vortex with a dielectric charge on center, a charge-carrying magnetic macro boson). This sums the most of my alien science career, minus the star mind stuff and assorted woo-woo subjections.
Another great meetup last week.
Notes from last week:
Sep 25 ![]() |
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Sep 27 ![]() |
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Greetings all,
Great meetup again last week.
Sep 22 | |||
Hey guys,
Ran across this info through Don Mitchel.
Thought it might contribute to the conversation.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: David W. Johnson <dj@argos.vu>
Date: Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 10:15 AM
Subject: Bergson’s Holographic Theory – 18 – Tesla and the Ether
To: don mitchell <don86326@gmail.com>
Ran across this last night,
Interested in your take on it:
On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 9:54 AM, don mitchell <don86326@gmail.com> wrote:
Join the resistance (humor)
On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 9:33 AM, don mitchell <don86326@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi David,
Thanks for the post-chat email with links about our talk. That helps my neurons. The tree of dodecadhedral twins is fascinating, looking graphically similar to x-ray diffraction patterns through crystals. Thanks for the gimbling illustrations.
I thought you may appreciate the speculation by Neil below on a density-increase of the local aether within our solar system, which he cites as evident by a now permanent halo around the moon.
His long-time site is http://worlds-within-worlds.org/.
Neil is a sensitive (as in telepathic-ish) trained by an American Indian shawoman (lady shaman). I’ve never met him in person or talked to him. We’ve traded emails over the years, and he keeps me on at least some of his mailings as a BCC recipient, usually. I think his mathematical physics centers around Russian spinor theory (aether matrix), and claims to have the proper answer. He is degreed in computer science.
cheers – don
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Robert Neil Boyd Ph D <rnboydphd@comcast.net>
Date: Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 6:47 AM
Subject: The Sun is now radiating Rainbow Lights
To: “David G. Yurth” <davidyurth@comcast.net>, “Dr Jon ‘Xue Zhang’ Jang Ph.D” <xueskill69@gmail.com>, “Dr. Adrian Klein” <adrian10@bezeqint.net>, “Dr. Sergey N. Arteha,” <sergey.arteha@gmail.com>, Florentin Smarandache <fsmarandache@gmail.com>, “Frank Demuro, CEO, PBTC” <pbtc@verizon.net>, Gene Nassoiy Barbour <gene@nassoiy.com>, Helmut Hansen <helmuthansen@gmx.de>, Huping Hu <editor@prespacetime.com>, Ivars Fabriciuss <ivars.fabriciuss@gmail.com>, “Ji Hao,” <wujihao@mail.ipc.ac.cn>, Luca Bianchi <luca.bianchi@infinito.it>, Louis Malklaka <malklaka2012@gmail.com>, Pierre-Marie Robitaille <robitaille.1@osu.edu>, “Prof. Andre K. T. Assis,” <assis@ifi.unicamp.br>, “Prof. Stephan J. G. Gift” <stephan.gift@sta.uwi.edu>, “Prof. Zifeng Li” <zfli@ysu.edu.cn>, Volodymyr Krasnoholovets <subhydrogen@gmail.com>, Wallace Thornhill <walt@holoscience.com>
Cc: Bialek Szczepan <sz.bialek@wp.pl>, Bonny Willow <me@bonniewillow.com>, Byoung Ha Ahn <bahn1@comcast.net>, d.j.bierman@uva.nl, Daniel Hirsch <danielhhirsch@gmail.com>, DonEMitchell <don86326@gmail.com>, “Dr. Angelo A Toriello” <drtoriello@gmail.com>, “Dr. Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr.” <gravityfindings@gmail.com>, “Dr. Neal Graneau” <neal.graneau@googlemail.com>, Francesca Intini <intini@fisica.uniba.it>, Greg Volk <the.volks@comcast.net>, Hu Chang-Wei <huchangwei@sina.cn>, Jean Wood Gupta <jeangupta_785@hotmail.com>, Jesse Going <jblaiseg@gmail.com>, Quique Barletta <qbarletta@sbcglobal.net>, Wendy Zammit <wendyzammit@gmail.com>
If you will look at a smooth reflective surface with some curvature to it and catch the reflection of the sun at the proper angle, you will easily see movingrainbow “spikes” which are radiating from and involved with the sun.
This is a new phenomenon and is directly related to direct and recorded observations of the years-long rainbow ring around the full moon and the rainbow rings around all manner of human-made light fixtures, in my opinion. These are not the intermittent rainbow rings from decades past, but PERMANENT and globally observable rainbow rings. The ring around the moon is always there now, and this is not at all the rare event it used to be 50 to 100 years ago.
Notice the spikes of light radiating from the central moon circle. I think these are directly connected to the properties of the sunlight that the moon is reflecting to us.
I think these newly observed rainbow sun-spikes are due the same kind of aether density increase which has been causing lunar rainbow rings, intensifying in its influence so that now the effect is directly observable in sun-reflections. I am of the opinion that these rainbow lights are due to increased aether density associated with shells of increased aether density which every galaxy throws off periodically in events known as quantized red shifts.
Due to astrophysical observations of the periodicity of galactic quantized red shifts, I predicted several years ago that the fine structure constant would be changing in value in the future, and indeed it has been changing in its measured value for several years. As the fine structure constant is changing, so too are the fundamental laws of physics are changing.
When the shell of increased aether density has passed entirely through the solar system, at the other side of the shell, the laws of physics will be observed to have been altered permanently in our vicinity in the galaxy.
As I have said before, there are no constants. There are only locally reliable average values which are not long-lived in their purview. Experiment has proved that Planck’s “constant” is not a constant. The force due to gravitation is not a constant. The speed of light is not a constant. And so on and so forth.
We may make measurements with our instrumentations but we should not expect the observed values of any of the “constants” to be reliable for any projects which require long term precision of the measured values of the various constants. In the short term, the currently measured values of the “constants” are usable in most practical applications, but cannot be expected to hold up, long term.
In concert with all these rainbows involved with all light sources, there is an equally irresistible increase in Harmony and Unity Consciousness factors which is directly influencing all life, human beings included.
It is blatantly obvious that these processes cannot be stopped, and that they will not stop. They are Galactic in scale, and Divinely Caused, in my view.
Best Wishes,