Jim and Eugene – Full Interview

Chris Monk Sellye – Earth Electric Circuit


Overlay comparison of the US West coast gravity anomaly (base map) to the magnetic anomaly map (More pink one) and the detailed geological smaller map of the area.

The Herouni Antenna – Death of the Big Bang

Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D., is a professor of radiology at The Ohio State University. He also holds an appointment in the Chemical Physics Program. In 1998, he led the design and assembly of the world’s first Ultra High Field MRI System. This brought on the need to question fundamental aspects of thermal physics, including ideas related to Kirchhoff’s Law of thermal emission, and more.

Professor Arevik Sargsyan
Assoc. Professor of NPUA,
President of AE&LLL Association,
Director of ARLIAN LLC.

Key paper relative to the self noise at 8mm:
P. Herouni, Measured Parameters of Large Antenna of ROT-54/2.6 Tell about Absence of Big Bang
Journal of Astrophysics: Reports. — National Academy of Sciences of Armenia 2007, v. 107, no. 1. 73-78.

Measured Parameters of Large Antenna of ROT-54/2.6 Tell about Absence of Big Bang

P. Herouni, About Self Noises of Radio-Optical Telescope ROT-54/2.6 Antenna. Journal of Applied Electromagnetism. Athens. 1999, v. 2, No. 1, 51-57.

The aforementioned paper by Professor Herouni has just been reinstated as item 7 (the last) in JAE V.2., N.2 (not the original V.2., N.1) 1999.


4 Anomalies in The Big Bang Afterglow:


As the theory goes; some 14 billion years ago, there was “nothing” focalized in a single, highly-dense point. Then, that “nothing” exploded, hurling the ingredients for everything we see in the universe into existence. On paper, it sounds insane. Heck, its kind of IS insane, but we have several pieces of solid (but not irrefutable) evidence that show not only could it have happened this way, but that it probably did.

One such proof comes in the form of the “Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation,” (CMB or CMBR) the after-glow of the big bang, if you will. It gives us an opportunity to understand the very first moments following the creation of the universe, yet it also poses many tantalizing mysteries that threaten to unhinge the very fabric on which we believe the universe was formed.

Before we go into those, let’s first explore what the CMBR is. Amazingly, this story has a crappy start.

In 1965, before two scientists, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, started measuring radio signals as they bounced from balloon satellites for NASA’s “Project Echo,” they needed to take preventive measures to make sure the data they collected was completely incorruptible.

Continue reading “4 Anomalies in The Big Bang Afterglow:”

SAFIRE Project Claims Energy Densities Comparable to the Sun

From: E-Cat World

He summarizes the Electric Universe model in this way:

“Charged matter affecting matter of a different electrical potential”.

“SAFIRE is more like sailing, in that we are looking into the way that nature does things. We are not trying to force the plasma phenomena”

“We’re not trying to get the plasma to organize, but it likes to become organized under certain conditions.”


There is a video at point 24:30 where Childs shows the plasma. He says “it likes to form these tufts, we don’t understand them, but we’re looking at them, they become organized. Their fields are uniform and they like to be separated.”

“Some of the energy and the density that we have now are comparable to what we see in the sun, it’s pretty amazing.”

“This is controversial, I can’t really talk too much at this time yet, how we got this, but what I can say, if some of you are familiar with mass spectroscopy or digital gas analyzers, you’ll know what you’re looking at here; We started off with a chamber of pure hydrogen and we baked it out for a couple of days. Then what happened is, the chamber’s clean it’s purged, we put hydrogen in. Mass spec is saying you have pure hydrogen in the chamber, 100 per cent. We thought this is great . . . We introduced another gas, we got double layers formed. We let it sit in there and bake for a few hours, it was extremely stable . . . We added another gas, the moment the double layers disappeared and we got this [shows mass spectrometer reading] . . . Hydrogen dropped down from 100 per cent to 39 per cent and all these other elements formed.”

He mentions barium and titanium, they don’t know why they formed.

He then shows video of ‘double layers’ forming at about 27:30, then he shows how the energy suddenly concentrates. Slide states: “We were not trying to trap high energy photons and electrons comparable to the sun’s photosphere … but it does.”

Then he shows another video of something that he says has been patented: he states “This is a hollow anode, I will tell you that I’m actually putting deuterium and hydrogen as a mix through the core of the anode.”

“Some of you that are into cold fusion have a hard time getting atomic hydrogen. SAFIRE produces copius amounts of it”

“What we do is we put hydrogen into the hollow anode and we have a special material that the anode is made out of, it dissociates the H2 to H, and because it is positively charged we strip the electron and we actually have protons migrating from off the surface of the anode into the atmosphere”

He says there is no need for the magnetic fields to contain the plasma, it creates it’s own containment field, it wants to organize.

He says the SAFIRE plasma engine creates an environment to facilitate this self-organization.

Universal Hyperbolic Geometry

Lecture 01 – Apollonius and Polarity
Lecture 02 – Apollonius and Harmonic Conjugates
Lecture 03 – Pappus’ Theorem and the Cross Ratio
Lecture 04 – First Steps in Hyperbolic Geometry
Lecture 05 – The Circle and Cartesian Coordinates

Continue reading “Universal Hyperbolic Geometry”