015 EU Meetup December 5, 2017


Jim Weninger

8:05 PM 

to jhafnerEdodonJuanDavidBuddyNeilPeterfrank

And we’ve still not addressed what we can learn from the solar system scale.  On the atomic/ nuclear scale, it’s easy to fall into the trap of “particles in a vacuum”.  On the solar system scale, we now have the Bessel function idea where there are “orbital energy levels”, where we can theoretically have jumps from one stable orbit to another, but ALSO actual changes in the Bessel function orbits themselves.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 4, 2017, at 11:52 AM, jhafner <jhafner@swcp.com> wrote:
> Hi Edwin and all,
> I was nodding my head as I read this – Edwin’s model and Mills are in sync. Juan, thanks for all the great references.
> “It’s commonly accepted that hydrogen’s solo electron is whizzing around its nucleus in its most energetically favorable, ground-state atomic orbital — you simply can’t bring hydrogen’s electron closer to its nucleus. But Mills says you can.”
> Edwin wrote:
>> The key here IMHO is that the electron can go closer to the
>> proton….. This has everything to do with the creation of the so
>> called “neutrons” and as i propose they are not fundamental particles
>> but an electron (tightly) fitted between 2 protons. That is the state
>> whereby the electron moved from orbit position to nuclear (neutron)
>> position. This is Beta + decay! so it is a known thing.
>> On that note, we then have to accept the fact that an electron
>> falling into a lower state is only possible when that electron
>> releases energy (just like normal light emission), meaning it is a
>> condensing effect in essence. Or at least contracting… Soooo by
>> creating a very hot plasma one does not readily get fusion going,
>> hence it might prove quite difficult for hot fusion to really be.
>> “cold fusion” however uses an extremely strong force at small level,
>> namely the electrostatic i would argue / electricity (EM)
>> Edo
> …
> /Jean


Edo Kael

11:24 PM

to donJuanDavidjhafnerJimBuddyNeilPeterfrank

From one of the links…..



I ain’t gonna tell no mother she misunderstood apple pie….

The key here IMHO is that the electron can go closer to the proton….. This has everything to do with the creation of the so called “neutrons” and as i propose they are not fundamental particles but an electron (tightly) fitted between 2 protons. That is the state whereby the electron moved from orbit position to nuclear (neutron) position. This is Beta + decay! so it is a known thing.
On that note, we then have to accept the fact that an electron falling into a lower state is only possible when that electron releases energy (just like normal light emission), meaning it is a condensing effect in essence. Or at least contracting… Soooo by creating a very hot plasma one does not readily get fusion going, hence it might prove quite difficult for hot fusion to really be.  “cold fusion” however uses an extremely strong force at small level, namely the electrostatic i would argue / electricity (EM)

On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 8:53 PM, don mitchell <don86326@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks, Juan.  Good stuff.  Looking forward to a deeper look.

On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 11:42 AM, Juan Calsiano <juancalsiano@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Don (and all),

If you are diving into the subject of LENR (the N usually standing for “nuclear”), make sure you get Steven Krivit’s three-book series.

Krivit was an editor for the American Chemical Society 2008 and 2009 technical reference books on LENRs and editor-in-chief for the 2011 Wiley Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia. He is the leading author of review articles and encyclopedia chapters about LENRs, including invited papers for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Elsevier and John Wiley & Sons.

Considering the controversial nature of the subject and the dogmatic attitude of academia as a whole, it is a pleasing surprise to see that he could publish books with titles like “Hacking the Atom”, “Fusion Fiasco” and “Lost History” and still be considered an authoritative voice within conventional circles.

Here are the links (each kindle ebook is just 4 bucks):

Of course, LENR is one of the many subjects that will be addressed in Chris Reeve’s incoming Controversies of Science social network. His preliminary controversy card about LENR can be found here (you may also want to check out my comments there regarding a possible relationship between LENR and cavitation phenomena):


That card will end up being a part of the website, and here is a preview of that:

Happy explorations!


On 2 December 2017 at 14:56, don mitchell <don86326@gmail.com> wrote:

Lady and Gents,
About Low Energy Neutron Reaction (LENR)
An impressive index of the slides linked above is on slides #4 and #5.
This topic is about elemental transmutation.
Frank Znidarsic’s data for his theory in ‘Control of the Natural Forces’ came from a cold fusion (LENR) experiment’s frequency data, plus Podkletnov’s gravity beam frequency data (duplicated by Dr. Li in NASA’s Alabama facility), wherein Znidarsic realizes there is a resonant frequency of a nucleus that is caused by a delay of nuclear (Coulomb field) response –which delay IS conjectured to be the root-cause of the infamous fine grain constant (Planck’s constant).  In this line of thought, transmutation occurs during resonance with nuclei driven with electrical or magnetic activation (Podkletov) OR sonic activation driven by EM (LENR) as in cold fusion experiments.  The key is to create a spatial-resonance of the nucleus, vibrating in space, of a sufficient population of atoms.
The magic frequency realized by Mr. Z. is 1.094 megaHz-meters. (I.e., a one meter circumference conductor would magnetically cohere with nuclei at 1.094 megaHz.
Frank Znidarsic <fznidarsic@aol.com> is a really nice guy, though Frank couldn’t follow my home-made vernacular in magnetic resonance of a rotating field (around the axial symmetry of a torus knot array).
Some notes/links on Frank Znidarsic:  http://portal.groupkos.com/index.php?title=Frank_Znidarsic
Videos/links on Eugene (Evgeny) Podkletnov:  http://portal.groupkos.com/index.php?title=Eugene_Podkletnov_portal
-don in Colorado




The thinking of many other scientists, however, has been coloured by the increasingly mechanistic approach towards life – Deus ex machina (God from the Machine) – which is not to imply that all the established facts of science and the painstaking, dedicated research that has been carried out are invalid, but to suggest that their interpretation could perhaps be different. To date there has been far too much emphasis placed on analysis, the pursuit of minutiae, the development of specialist terminology incomprehensible to other scientific disciplines, let alone the rest of a humanity ever subservient to the dictates of a science that has become the infallible new God.

According to Viktor Schauberger, science thinks an octave too low and, due to its purely materialistic approach, neglecting the underlying energetic basis for all physical manifestation, has lost sight of the integrated whole. Prof. David Susuki, the eminent biologist, once stated that there were at least twenty branches of biology, each of which had it own jargon, unable to communicate coherently with the others. The individual feels insignificant in the face of all this vast array of scientific expertise, a condition one has noticed among acquaintances, when confronted by the towering edifice of the apparently all-knowing, ‘Scientific Establishment’.



Res Cogitans and Res Extensa



Juan Calsiano


to JimDavid
Hi again,
Well, you haven’t forward all your exchanges with Don so I may be missing something, but I’ll answer with what I have.
Your email is titled “If alpha is function of j, does it not fall off as j decrease?”. In any relatively meaningful way, and in terms of a mathematical yet physical approach, I agree with Don that alpha is not a function of j. His paper and equations are all about mapping the magnetic field (and the current density) as a function of r. All B, j and r are physical variables, while alpha is just a scalar that appears in the quantitative relationship of the physical variables. So in that sense, it is quite meaningless or even wrong to say that alpha is a function of the current density (even if you can rearrange the symbols to try to make your point).
That said, Don seems to be well aware that he has been assuming alpha to be constant, and he is not dismissing the possibility that alpha may be not constant but a function of r.

In his answer, he said: “we have to choose what alpha will be. If we can find a reasonable function of for it, that’s good.” In his paper, he says: “The step-wise Euler method described here can also be used in the event the state-equations are nonlinear due to choosing an arbitrary α = α (r).”

Also, in his paper he says: “Allowing α = α(r) would distort the radial axis used to plot Bz(r) and Bθ(r)”

That is related to what you want. So, if you choose the adequate α = α(r), then yes, the current density j may fall off more strongly with r (which is not the same as saying that alpha is a function of j). Even more, with the adequate α = α(r) you may get a more convincing argument for the Titius Bode observation to replace the one made by Don in 2015, in which he used a constant alpha of 19.5, seemingly leaving lots of unused possible orbits between real orbits.



On 2 December 2017 at 02:04, Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com> wrote:

Juan and David,
     Read especially section 3 and the derivation of equation (14):
then tell me where Don or I made a mistake.  Alpha does to me seem to be a function of j, and then would be the key to fitting the Bessel function to the solar system.  I’m always willing to accept that I’ve made an error, but here I don’t even understand the objection.  Perhaps Either of you can help?
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Donald Scott <dascott3@cox.net>
To: Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017, 12:15:10 PM MST
Subject: Re: If alpha is function of j, does it not fall off as j decrease?

Alpha is not a function of j.

Alpha is a scale factor between the dimensionless independent Bessel function variable, x, and the real-world variable, r.
An Example: The first zero of Bessel function of J0(x) is at = 2.4048. That’s the radius where the central lobe of and ends – where the component stops and the encircling wrap-around component is maximum. It’s where the “first orbit” is. So, if we want to use “astronomical units” (Earth-Sun distance) as our real-world radius unit, the orbit of Mercury is at about r = 0.3. That means: alpha = x/= 2.4048 / 0.3 = 8.016. That is a constant, not a variable that depends on or  or anything else. The next realistic orbit would (IMO) be at = 8.6537, or  = 8.6537/ 8.016 ~ 1. (I don’t know what happened to Venus??)
The point is, we have to choose what alpha will be. If we can find a reasonable function of for it, that’s good.
Feel free to disagree, but I want to make sure you understand where I am coming from on this.



to JuanJim

This keeps ringing for me – The spatial frequency of the bessel function as a function of r:

On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 9:34 PM, Juan Calsiano <juancalsiano@gmail.com> wrote:

Don is right in that alpha is not strictly a function of j, and you are probably right in that alpha is not a constant along all the filament but a function of r, thus making j a more complex non-linear function than what is simplistically assumed in Don’s paper. He even says: “If we can find a reasonable function of for it, that’s good.”
I’ll expand later.

On 2 December 2017 at 02:04, Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com> wrote:

Juan and David,
     Read especially section 3 and the derivation of equation (14):
then tell me where Don or I made a mistake.  Alpha does to me seem to be a function of j, and then would be the key to fitting the Bessel function to the solar system.  I’m always willing to accept that I’ve made an error, but here I don’t even understand the objection.  Perhaps Either of you can help?
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Donald Scott <dascott3@cox.net>
To: Jim Weninger <jwen1@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017, 12:15:10 PM MST
Subject: Re: If alpha is function of j, does it not fall off as j decrease?

Alpha is not a function of j.

Alpha is a scale factor between the dimensionless independent Bessel function variable, x, and the real-world variable, r.
An Example: The first zero of Bessel function of J0(x) is at = 2.4048. That’s the radius where the central lobe of and ends – where the component stops and the encircling wrap-around component is maximum. It’s where the “first orbit” is. So, if we want to use “astronomical units” (Earth-Sun distance) as our real-world radius unit, the orbit of Mercury is at about r = 0.3. That means: alpha = x/= 2.4048 / 0.3 = 8.016. That is a constant, not a variable that depends on or  or anything else. The next realistic orbit would (IMO) be at = 8.6537, or  = 8.6537/ 8.016 ~ 1. (I don’t know what happened to Venus??)
The point is, we have to choose what alpha will be. If we can find a reasonable function of for it, that’s good.
Feel free to disagree, but I want to make sure you understand where I am coming from on this.


On Dec 1, 2017, at 9:50 AM, Donald Scott <dascott3@cox.net> wrote:

Here are my reactions to your last email.

Platonic solids/The Structure Atom Model (SAM) by Edwin Kaal from Science to Sage on Vimeo.


On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 10:14 AM, don mitchell <don86326@gmail.com> wrote:

Found a link to polygons in spinning fluids…
Symmetry-Breaking of Interfacial Polygonal Patterns and Synchronization of Travelling Waves within a Hollow-Core Vortex

On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 10:14 AM, don mitchell <don86326@gmail.com> wrote:

Found a link to polygons in spinning fluids…
Symmetry-Breaking of Interfacial Polygonal Patterns and Synchronization of Travelling Waves within a Hollow-Core Vortex


Juan Calsiano

10:42 AM 

to donDavidjhafnerEdoJimBuddyNeilPeterfrank

Hi Don (and all),

If you are diving into the subject of LENR (the N usually standing for “nuclear”), make sure you get Steven Krivit’s three-book series.

Krivit was an editor for the American Chemical Society 2008 and 2009 technical reference books on LENRs and editor-in-chief for the 2011 Wiley Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia. He is the leading author of review articles and encyclopedia chapters about LENRs, including invited papers for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Elsevier and John Wiley & Sons.

Considering the controversial nature of the subject and the dogmatic attitude of academia as a whole, it is a pleasing surprise to see that he could publish books with titles like “Hacking the Atom”, “Fusion Fiasco” and “Lost History” and still be considered an authoritative voice within conventional circles.

Here are the links (each kindle ebook is just 4 bucks):

Of course, LENR is one of the many subjects that will be addressed in Chris Reeve’s incoming Controversies of Science social network. His preliminary controversy card about LENR can be found here (you may also want to check out my comments there regarding a possible relationship between LENR and cavitation phenomena):


That card will end up being a part of the website, and here is a preview of that:

Happy explorations!


On 2 December 2017 at 14:56, don mitchell <don86326@gmail.com> wrote:

Lady and Gents,
About Low Energy Neutron Reaction (LENR)
An impressive index of the slides linked above is on slides #4 and #5.
This topic is about elemental transmutation.
Frank Znidarsic’s data for his theory in ‘Control of the Natural Forces’ came from a cold fusion (LENR) experiment’s frequency data, plus Podkletnov’s gravity beam frequency data (duplicated by Dr. Li in NASA’s Alabama facility), wherein Znidarsic realizes there is a resonant frequency of a nucleus that is caused by a delay of nuclear (Coulomb field) response –which delay IS conjectured to be the root-cause of the infamous fine grain constant (Planck’s constant).  In this line of thought, transmutation occurs during resonance with nuclei driven with electrical or magnetic activation (Podkletov) OR sonic activation driven by EM (LENR) as in cold fusion experiments.  The key is to create a spatial-resonance of the nucleus, vibrating in space, of a sufficient population of atoms.
The magic frequency realized by Mr. Z. is 1.094 megaHz-meters. (I.e., a one meter circumference conductor would magnetically cohere with nuclei at 1.094 megaHz.
Frank Znidarsic <fznidarsic@aol.com> is a really nice guy, though Frank couldn’t follow my home-made vernacular in magnetic resonance of a rotating field (around the axial symmetry of a torus knot array).
Some notes/links on Frank Znidarsic:  http://portal.groupkos.com/index.php?title=Frank_Znidarsic
Videos/links on Eugene (Evgeny) Podkletnov:  http://portal.groupkos.com/index.php?title=Eugene_Podkletnov_portal
-don in Colorado







014 EU Meetup November 28, 2017

Hey guys,

Happy Thanksgiving!
We’ll plan on having our next meetup on Tuesday November 28
Netherlands   7:00 pm
UTC-3            3:00pm
EST:               1:00pm
MST:              11:00am
PST               10:00am
To accommodate our friends from the Netherlands.
Let me know if this works for you if you get the opportunity.
Don shared this paper with me this morning. Interested in your thoughts.
Then this structure appeared as things often do on the interwebs these days. 🙂

Resonant cavity?
Also LBM:

Laffoley   !?!


As a standing wave forms, additional waves can form in the same medium. These waves are called ‘harmonics,’ ‘wave partials’ or in music ‘overtones.’ Harmonic partials to the standing wave are not random frequencies, but instead whole number multiples (1x, 2x, 3x, … nx) of the prime resonant frequency. This is called the harmonic series.


This is what the harmonic series looks like when both opposing phases of interference are superimposed at a constant energy level or amplitude. Notice the stable pattern it creates and the gaps that form around the nodes and other locations. This is universal to all kinds of waves as they ‘resonate’ inside some container.

Question is, what causes standing waves to form in such a regular pattern? What is the underlying physics that prevents fractional or enharmonic waves from forming on the prime resonant frequency?

According to harmonic interference theory, the 7-tone diatonic scale of common practice music can be represented as a frequency doubling (first harmonic) of a 12-tone octave standing wave. Both are centered on the ninth harmonic partial (e.g., D in the key of C), which acts as a harmonic center for the oscillating spring effect known as the Tritone Function.

Pulling and pushing between the diatonic tritone (e.g., B,F) and major third (e.g., C,E) in diatonic scales, the Tritone Function is the central physical and physiological engine behind melodic and chordal progression; consonance and dissonance; and tension and resolution. It is recognized naturally by the human auditory system – not taught through cultural conditioning as many cognitive scientists believe. This recognition of standing wave oscillation and energy flow/ exchange transcends any scale, tuning, or temperament, though the equal octave division by twelve offers the greatest contrast for recognition (not concordance) of standing wave oscillation.



013 EU Meetup November 14, 2017


to jhafnerJimJuanDon86326PeterEdoBuddyNeil

Greetings All,

We have two meetups scheduled this week

Monday: November 13, 2017 at
UTC-3      8:00pm
EST:         6:00pm
MST:         4:00pm
PST          3:00pm
We also have a special EU Meetup scheduled with Edwin Kaal and Peter Venis on
Tuesday: November 14, 2017 at:
Netherlands   7:00 pm
UTC-3            3:00pm
EST:               1:00pm
MST:              11:00am
PST               10:00am
Please feel free to join us if you get the opportunity.
Here are some recent topics that have been “percolating”:

John Reid


012 EU Meetup November 13, 2017


to jhafnerJimJuanDon86326PeterEdoBuddyNeil

Greetings All,

We have two meetups scheduled this week

Monday: November 13, 2017 at
UTC-3      8:00pm
EST:         6:00pm
MST:         4:00pm
PST          3:00pm
We also have a special EU Meetup scheduled with Edwin Kaal and Peter Venis on
Tuesday: November 14, 2017 at:
Netherlands   7:00 pm
UTC-3            3:00pm
EST:               1:00pm
MST:              11:00am
PST               10:00am
Please feel free to join us if you get the opportunity.
Here are some recent topics that have been “percolating”:


011 EU Meetup November 6, 2017

Greetings all 🙂
Please join us for the Skype meetup tomorrow:
Monday: November 6, 2017 at
UTC-3       8:00pm
ET             7:00pm
Mountain   5:00pm
PT             4:00pm
Listed below are some recent discussion topics.


November 4, 2017
Episode #34



Controversies of Science – Chris Reeve


Implosion Magazine

  • “You must look at the processes of motion in the macrocosmos and microcosmos accurately, and copy them!”
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 14, p.19 (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))
  • “Everything is governed by one law. A human being is a microcosmos, i.e. the laws prevailing in the cosmos also operate in the minutest space of the human being.”
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 8, p.6 (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))
  • “If we wish to influence our own life in a particular direction, which is constantly threatened by the danger of the emergence of alien life-forms, and protect it from deterioration, then we must either allow Nature to rule or, if we wish to intervene, we must first acquaint ourselves with the simplest principles of life.”
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 86, p.11. (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))
  • “All motion consists of two components. One component serves inwardness (internalisation) and the other outwardness (dispersion). Both preconditions for motion regulate the eternal flow of metamorphosis (panta Rhei).”
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 57, p.5. (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))
  • “Whoever accelerates the media of earth, water and air centrifugally perishes unconditionally, for in so doing they reduce the Blood of the Earth (water) to a pathogenic state and make it the most dangerous enemy of all living and growing things.”
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 96, p. 4. (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))
  • “The scientist states that pressure is exerted outwards in all directions equally, whereas natural pressure (e.g. air pressure) is exerted inwards from all directions equally.”
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 114, p. 29 (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))
  • The inner climate stamps each individual with its character. Every life-form has its own individual anomaly point of health, which makes the orderly reproduction of the species possible. This also explains why the world of parasites increases with fever.
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 71, p. 12 (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))
  • “Equivalence signifies uniformity and thus immobility.”
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 113, p. 23 (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))
  • “I think it would have been much better if Newton had contemplated how the apple got up there in the first place!”
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 35, p. 16 (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))
  • “What is the present outlook in the field of energy generation? One word suffices – catastrophic! Through over-illumination and overheating of the media of earth, water and air in Nature’s household, a short circuit – ‘cold fire’ – and the development of cancer has been triggered off. With nuclear fission a conflagration was kindled, whose ashes and slag residues alone will extinguish all life. Thus a reporter stated recently, “For the time being this radiating thing is there and with it the attendant worries as to how we can protect ourselves against these lethal ray, which penetrate even the thickest lead shields.” The sheer lunacy of using nuclear power for peaceful purposes will be just as short-lived as the subsequent remorse will be long.”
    • Implosion Magazine, No. 56, p.29-30 (Callum Coats: Energy Evolution (2000))

“Without doubt, therefore, there is a definite intention to teach young people upside-down methods of working with which they have to miss-earn their daily bread. That is to say, instead of moving forwards, they go backwards all the more rapidly in step with the improvements in the contrary methods of motion. For only thus can today’s teaching principles flourish.”

“Already from earliest childhood it was my deepest wish to understand nature and through this to come closer to the truth I could not find at school or at church. I was repeatedly drawn to the forest where I could watch the flow of water for hours on end without getting tired or irritable. At that time I did not yet know that water is the bearer of life or the source of what we call consciousness. Totally oblivious, I let water flow past my searching eyes and only years later did I become aware that this running water attracts our consciousness magnetically, takes a piece with it, with a force that is so strong that one loses consciousness for a while and involuntarily falls into a deep sleep. And so, gradually I began to play with these forces in water and I gave up this so-called free consciousness and left it to the water for a while. Little by little this game turned into a very serious matter because I saw that it was possible to release my own consciousness from my body and attach it to the water. When I took it back again, the consciousness borrowed from the water told me things that were often very strange. And so the searcher became a researcher who could send his consciousness on expeditions, so to speak, and this way I found out about things the rest of mankind has missed because they do not know that people are able to send their free consciousness everywhere, even where the seeing eye cannot look. This so-called sight practiced with blindfolded eyes finally gave me ties to the secrets of nature which I slowly began to recognize and understand in their own fabric. And in due course it became clear to me that we human beings are used to seeing everything backwards and wrong. The biggest surprise, however, was that we human beings let the most valuable part drain off as useless and from all the great intellectuality that flows through us, we retain only the feces.”

“An American aircraft consortium offered me 3.5 million dollars; a similar offer was made by Canadian interests. You didn’t want it in Europe, so now you’ll have to get it back from America expensively!”

1958 (from Callum Coats: Living Energies (2002))



010 EU Meetup October 31, 2017

Special Meetup today with Special Guests:

Peter Venis and Edwin Kaal





10:00 AM (16 hours ago)

to EdoDavid


I checked my world clock…says it’s 6:00 p.m. for you now, 11:00 am for me. Something was askew there. We’re about to skype, so I hope you’re getting this and can join.


On 2017-10-31 2:48, Edo Kael wrote:


Thank you for the invite and i will be there (today)

Sorry for a slow response, i was distracted with other stuff over
here in the Netherlands.
Am looking forward for the talk!


On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 10:24 AM, David W. Johnson <dj@argos.vu> wrote:


I sent that email inadvertently, before I finished:

So to complete,,,

Jean Hafner gave me your email. I would like to invite you to join our skype meetup group next Tuesday October 31 at 7:00pm Netherlands time.

We have discussed your presentation at the EU and would like to know more about your ideas.

The current list of people attending will be:

Jean Hafner        EU Coordinator
Jim Weninger      Astro-Physicist
Don Mitchell        EE
Juan Calsiano     EE
Peter Venis          Vortex Theorist – Lives in Netherlands as well
David Johnson    EE

My skype name is:


Your work is very exciting and we hope you will be able to attend our meeting.


David Johnson

the.Vu [1]


* _EdwinKaal00@gmail.com_
* _http://structuredatom.org [2]_

[1] http://the.Vu
[2] http://structuredatom.org/

2:42 AM (23 hours ago)

to JimJuanDon86326BuddyNeil

The Hits keep coming,

Please join us tomorrow for the meetup at 10am PT 1pm ET
also ran into this – Particularly Interesting:
And I put up some notes from yesterdays meeting on:


009 EU Meetup October 30, 2017

We had a very special guest today: Dr. Donald Scott!

We discussed Birkeland Currents of course and the generally upside down way math is taught in schools.

T Howard Patents

T Howard Patents

Ammons Horn

Hippocampus – Pegasus

Hippocampus – Pegasus

Ammons Horn

Buddy Dougherty sent me an email reqesting that I contact Dr. Scott:

9:40 AM (13 hours ago)

to dascott2BuddykrackonisjhafnerJimJuanDon86326
Hi Dr. Scott and Annis,
Buddy Dougherty asked me to contact you and invite you to join our EU Meetup on Skype this evening at 7pm ET.
We would be very honored for you to attend. I can help set you up on Skype and test your connection.
My Skype Name is:
You can also reach me on:
Looking forward to speaking with you.


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Buddy Dougherty <goldenscaling@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 8:07 AM
Subject: Meeting tonight
To: David Johnson <dj@argos.vu>, dascott2@cox.net

Can you please contact Donald Scott and hook him up with how to Skype for the meeting tonight Annis was asking.

Email him if you could thank you.