Art and Culture

2001: A Space Odyssey – How Kubrick fooled us all
Alan Watts – From Ego to the Divine
Alan Watts – Levels of Truth
Alchemy – A General Look
Alex Grey, Allyson Grey with David Heskin & Aloria Weaver
Babylonian Exact Sexagesimal Trigonometry
Bernardo Kastrup – Nature of reality | Reason with Science | Philosophy | Idealism | Consciousness
Bernardo Kastrup – The Man Behind the Ideas: Identity, Truth, Philosophy, and Psychotherapy
Bill Mullen – Hieroglyphics and the Ancient Sky
Caroline Series – Hyperbolic Geometry, Perspective and Time
Catherine Austin Fitts – Central Banking Reset Plan
Clifford Mahooty – The Zunis & the Star People
Counterculture ‘Burning Man’ art takes Washington by storm
David Kikoski – Pennies from Heaven – 4:15
Derrick Jensen – Enchantment
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely – Essene Book of Creation
Essential Guides to the Electric Universe
Eugene Bagashov & Jim Weninger Oumuamua Data Reveals Intriguing Possibilities – Reference
Gnosticism Then and Now Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogue
Gurdjieff – Dance – James Tomarelli
Hamlet’s Mill – Giorgio de Stantillana & Hertha von Dechend – Audio
Heather Stargazer – A New Dawn – Waking up to The Electric Universe
Heather, Richard And David Discuss Circular Times Tables, The Enneagram and the Creative Process
Heather, Richard and David discuss Construction, Plasmoids and Gentropy
High Speech – Eric Maddern
How to wear cloth as a cloak
Jan Ott – New Translation of the Frisian Oera Linda
Jan Saenredam – The Allegory of the Cave
Jason Davies – Mappings and Geometries
Jason Reza Jorjani – Zarathustra
John McAfee – Final Interview – “You are in the Matrix”
Jordan Peterson – The moment all HELL broke loose
Julian Jaynes – The Origins and History of Consciousness – Jordan Peterson Videos – Related
Keith Critchlow – Sacred Geometry
Keith Jarrett – Intro & Outro Chords
Language – Richard, Heather and David
Laurence Caruana – The Drawing Stage
Laurence Caruana – Visionary Art and the Fall of Sophia
Matt Johnson Jamiroquai – How To Play Neo Soul Chord Progressions
Monas Heiroglyphica Meaning with regards to Geometry
Multiplication Tables – Mod 180
N J Wildberger – Fractions and Equivalence Relations
Navajo Misconceptions
Neurons – Ragnorok and Rubycon (the band NH)
Nick Keomahavong – The HIDDEN Danger of Productivity
Nietzsche & Schopenhauer: What Is Music?
Nikola Tesla – The Wonders and Tragedies (video)
Nils Frahm – Lemon Day
Ouspenski – A New Model of the Universe
Outsider Art in Venice Biennale
Paul Laffoley – The Levogyre
Peter Russell – Non-Duality and the Mystery of Consciousness
Peter Tosh – Knowledge, Wisdom & Overstanding Documentary
Photomicrography Small world imagery
Plato – Phaedrus – The First Critique of Writing – Ammon – Thoth
Professor Brian Josephson – CymaScope – Royal Society of Medicine – John Reid
Rancho Clarita
Richard Merrick – Interference Theory
Richard Moore – Writings on the Enneagram
Richard, Heather and David discuss Lord of the Flies and Anthropology
Robert Lawlor – The Geometry of the End of Time – Kali Yuga
Robert Sepehr – Lilith and the Sacred Serpent
Rotor-Riot – What is Freestyle FPV?
Rudolf Steiner – Eurythmy as Visible Singing
Rudolf Steiner – On Transhumanism
Rudolf Steiner – The “Bath Kol” and the Macro-economic Lord’s Prayer
Rudolf Steiner – The Fourth Dimension: Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, and Mathematics
Rudolf Steiner – The Fourth Dimension: Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, and Mathematics
Rudolf Steiner – The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone
Rupert Sheldrake – in Search of Spirit
Rupert Sheldrake – the most Heretical Scientist of our time
Rupert Sheldrake – Why Is There So Much Beauty In the World?
Sami Neo-Shamanism in Norway
Shunyamurti – Non-Duality & World Renewal ~ Integrating Ramana, Tesla, Aurobindo, and Fuller
Shunyamurti – The Ancient Future of Cosmic Consciousness
Softology – DLA – LBM – Snowflake – Cellular Automata
Technical Hitch – The Logical Indian
Terence McKenna – Language About The Unspeakable
Terence McKenna – The Emanation Of Wisdom
Terence McKenna – The Plant Connection
Terence McKenna Metaverse Interview (Virtual Reality)
The Egg – Heather, David and Jim discuss
Tiokasin Ghosthorse – Lakota native American, on intuitive intelligence


7 Moths in Slow Motion
a Biochemist, a Mathematician, and a Geophysicist – Debunk Darwin
A Conversation With Bernardo Kastrup
Acceleration and Groove – The Kidney Pattern
Acoustic Levitation Of Stones
Adam Trombly Recalls Stories of John C Lilly
Alan Pasqua ‎– The Antisocial Club
Alan Watts – 0bstacles
Alan Watts – Are We Really Here
Alan Watts – Coincidence of Opposites
Alan Watts – From Ego to the Divine
Alan Watts – Levels of Truth
Alan Watts – STOP Feeling Lost By Doing
Alan watts – The Human Game
Alan Watts – The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
Alan Watts – Unstoppable
Alan Watts – We Put Ourselves In Boxes (Rare Footage)
Alan Watts – Who is it that knows there is no Ego
Alan Watts – Why You Can’t Follow
Alan Watts – You’re ready to wake up…
Alan Watts on Carl Jung
Alchemy – A General Look
Aldous Huxley – Dancing Shiva Revolution
Alejandro Jodorowsky – Film, comics and conversation
Alex Grey – Creativity as a Spiritual Practice
Alex Grey – Full Moon Ceremony: March 2021
Alex Grey – Nature Mysticism
Alex Grey, Allyson Grey with David Heskin & Aloria Weaver
Alexander Graham Bell – The Tetrahedral Principle in Kite Structure
Alexander the Great and the Wall of the Djinn
Alexander Unzicker – Aether and Relativity
Alexander Unzicker – Unit Quaternions and Electrodynamics
Alexander Unzicker – Why Herrmann Minkowski Was a Disaster for Physics
Alexander Waugh – John Dee – The Monas Hieroglyphica
Alfred North Whitehead – His Life and Work
Alfred North Whitehead – The Problem of Mental Causation
Alfred North Whitehead – The Universe as Event
Allen Pittman – The Yoga of Change
Allen Saakyan – Pixar’s Soul (visual film review)
Alvin Boyd Kuhn – The Lost Key To The Scriptures
Alvin Boyd Kuhn – The Tree of Knowledge – Ryan McMahon
Alvin Boyd Kuhn – The Tree of Knowledge – Ryan McMahon
Amilius In The HotZone The Atlantis Secret
Anatomy of the Soul and Life Force Energy – ROBERT SEPEHR
Andrej Karpathy – Intro to Large Language Models
Andrew Gallimore – Psychonauts Are Now Mapping Hyper-Dimensional Worlds
Andrew Hall – Easter Egg Hunt
Andrew Hall – Handbag of the Gods
Andrew Hall – Lightning and its Fractal Domain
Andrew Hall – Subsurface Birkeland Currents
Andrew Hall – Electricity in Ancient Egypt | Thunderbolts
Andrew Linnell – AI, Elon Musk, Rudolf Steiner and the Evolution of Consciousness
Andy Warhol
Angelo Dilullo – How To Experience Non-Duality
Angelo DiLullo – Reality Unfiltered
Antenna – Fractals
Anthony L. Peratt – Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity
Armando Torres – Encounters With The Nagual
Art Bell – Michael “Mad Man” Marcum – Building a Time Machine on your Back Porch
Arthur M Young – Determinism Free Will & Fate
Arthur M. Young – An introduction to Metascience
Arthur M. Young – Is the Universe Objective?
Arthur M. Young – The Geometry of Meaning
Arthur M. Young – The Self and the Universe
Arthur Young – Theory of Process
Arthur Young – What it is
Arthur Young, Rudolf Steiner and the Reflexive Universe
Asgard and the Slavic Prophecies
Astor Piazzolla | Concerto para Quinteto | Live from Seoul
Atlantis Rising
Augmented Reality will replace Cell Phones in the Short Term
Auron MacIntyre – Why The Managerial Elite Are Doomed
Avi Loeb VS. Bernardo Kastrup: Aliens & Consciousness
Bardcast – Nassim Haramein
Bardcast – Peter Dawkins on Francis Bacon
Bardcast – The King James Ciphers
Barry Harris – Diminished Genealogy
Ben Eater – Grant Sanderson – Visualizing Quaternions
Ben Hyde – Electric Universe Science Guy
Bernado Kastrup – In a NutShell
Bernard Carr – on consciousness and parapsychology
Bernard Carr and Bernardo Kastrup
Bernardo Kastrup
Bernardo Kastrup – A Crash Course in Analytic Idealism: Science Ideated
Bernardo Kastrup – Analytical Idealism
Bernardo Kastrup – Anomalous Phenomena
Bernardo Kastrup – Arthur Schopenhauer
Bernardo Kastrup – Conscious AI lecture
Bernardo Kastrup – Consciousness Live!
Bernardo Kastrup – Dissociated Alters – Nominalism
Bernardo Kastrup – Essentia Foundation
Bernardo Kastrup – Idealism and the end of the meaning-crisis
Bernardo Kastrup – Jungian Metaphysics
Bernardo Kastrup – Metacognition and the Universe
Bernardo Kastrup – MORE Meaning WITHOUT Free Will
Bernardo Kastrup – New Conversation
Bernardo Kastrup – New Thinking Allowed
Bernardo Kastrup – Noam Chomsky, Mysterianism, etc.
Bernardo Kastrup – Russell Brand
Bernardo Kastrup – Sacrifice, Meaning, Nietzsche, Consciousness & The Daimon

Geology & Archaeology

2001: A Space Odyssey – How Kubrick fooled us all
Amilius In The HotZone The Atlantis Secret
Andrew Hall – The Daily Plasma – Lightning Scarred Earth
Andrew Hall – ThunderBolts – Electrical Discharges Carved the American Southwest
Andrew Hall – The Daily Plasma – Sputtering Canyons, Part 1
Ben Davidson – Magnetic Shift – Modeling
Ben Hyde – Electric Universe Science Guy
Bernardo Kastups – defense of his Philosophy Ph.D.
Bill Mullen – Hieroglyphics and the Ancient Sky
Brien Foerster – Paracas Elongated Skulls
Catherine Austin Fitts – Central Banking Reset Plan
Cosmic Spirituality of Australian Aborigines
Daniel Schmidt – Encounters with the Seraphim
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely – Essene Book of Creation
Eugene Bagashov & Jim Weninger Oumuamua Data Reveals Intriguing Possibilities – Reference
Freeman Fly – An Afternoon with Paul Laffoley
Gareth Samuel – Gigantic Jet Lightning
Gautam Sachdeva – 24th April 2022, Mumbai
Hamlet’s Mill – Giorgio de Stantillana & Hertha von Dechend – Audio
In Silico – A Short History of “Liesegang Rings”
Ingo Swann – A Life Gone Wild
Jacob Howland – Technological Cannibalism
Jason Reza Jorjani – Zarathustra
Jason Reza Jorjani – Mithras influence early Christianity
Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2
Manly P. Hall – Initiates of the Flame (1922)
OnlyFans Models Have Their Jobs Threatened By AI Girlfriends
Robert Lawlor – The Geometry of the End of Time – Kali Yuga
Robert Schock – Easter Islands Mystery Script
Robert Schock – Solar Outburst – Goebekli Tepe – Forgotten Civilization
Robert Sepehr – Antarctica and the Odin Departure
Rudolf Steiner – Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Rudolf Steiner – Eurythmy as Visible Singing
Thunderbolts – Did a Cosmic Thunderbolt Create the Hypatia Stone?
UFO Bilderberg The Cosmos Club
UNREAL Physics Model, Emergent Abilities and AG
Walter And Lao Russell – Opening The Door To True Power
Yann LeCun: From Machine Learning…


7 Moths in Slow Motion
a Biochemist, a Mathematician, and a Geophysicist – Debunk Darwin
Alan Watts – We Put Ourselves In Boxes (Rare Footage)
Albrect Durer – Rhinocerus & Melancholia I
Alex Grey – Nature Mysticism
Alex Grey, Allyson Grey with David Heskin & Aloria Weaver
Alexander Graham Bell – The Tetrahedral Principle in Kite Structure
Alexander the Great and the Wall of the Djinn
Alexander Unzicker – Aether and Relativity
Alexander Unzicker – Unit Quaternions and Electrodynamics
Alexander Waugh – John Dee – The Monas Hieroglyphica
Amilius In The HotZone The Atlantis Secret
Anatomy of the Soul and Life Force Energy – ROBERT SEPEHR
Andrew Hall – Easter Egg Hunt
Andrew Hall – Lightning and its Fractal Domain
Apollonian Gasket
Aria Nasi Research – Squaring of the Circle: Fitting Infinity into the Finite
Arthur Loeb – Space Structures – Their Harmony and Counterpoint
Arthur Winfree – The Geometry of Biological Time
Astor Piazzolla | Concerto para Quinteto | Live from Seoul
Avi Loeb VS. Bernardo Kastrup: Aliens & Consciousness
Bell Laboratories – 1958 Crystals – Physics – Alan Holden
Ben Eater – Grant Sanderson – Visualizing Quaternions
Bernard Carr and Bernardo Kastrup
Bernardo Kastrup
Bernardo Kastrup – Analytical Idealism
Bernardo Kastrup – Dissociated Alters – Nominalism
Bernardo Kastrup – Idealism and the end of the meaning-crisis
Bernardo Kastrup – Jungian Metaphysics
Bernardo Kastrup – Nature of reality | Reason with Science | Philosophy | Idealism | Consciousness
Bernardo Kastrup – The universe is essentially one vast brain
Bernardo Kastrup – Universal Mind, Artificial Sentience, the Great Void, and the Universe’s Telos
Bill Mullen – Hieroglyphics and the Ancient Sky
Buckminster Fuller – Synergetics
Caroline Series – Hyperbolic Geometry, Perspective and Time
Catherine Austin Fitts – Mafia of the Powerful
Catherine Keller – Face of the Deep: A Theology of Becoming
Chick Corea Interview: his last ever interview
Chris Langan – CTMU Explained
Clay Taylor – Harmonic Geometry and Tonal Magnetism
Clustering Tetrahedrons – Video
Consciousness, Split-Brain Experiments, and Combining Minds
Dale Pond – Vibration, Oscillation and Toroids
Daniel Piker – Torus Explorations – Simulations – Vimeo
David Bohm – Our Whole Society Is Incoherent
David Drew – Misconception series
David Wolpert – Metamodern Spirituality | The Thermodynamics of Meaning
December 21 – The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
Decoding the Dance of Space
Diatoms – NanoTaxonomy
Digital Twin Consortium – Conference Videos
Dr Bernardo Kastrup – Myth, Allegory and Symbol
Dr. Ibrahim Karim – BioGeometry and Life Force
Dr. Narco Longo – Old World Florida
Dynamic Symmetry – Jay Hambidge
Dynamic Symmetry – Phylotaxis – Oleh Bodnar
Edgar Cayce And The Children Of Law Of One
Edgar Cayce’s philosophy on our creation
Eugene Bagashov & Jim Weninger Oumuamua Data Reveals Intriguing Possibilities – Reference
Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis
Eyvind Earle – Illustrator – Natural
FAUST – Goethe’s eulogy of the Enlightenment & its philosophical influence
Federico Faggin – Idealism, Quantum Mechanics, Free Will, and Identity
Federico Faggin – Ready for Consciousness
Federico Faggin & Bernardo Kastrup – Groundbreaking Consciousness Theory
Four Ways Inn
Francisco Negroni – Volcano Photographer – Lightning – Vortex
Gadamer – Language & Understanding (1970)
Gareth Samuel – C.E.R. Bruce
Gareth Samuel – From Experiment to Quasar: Unveiling Lerner’s Plasmoid Model
Gareth Samuel – Mach Principle: Inertia and the connection with the rest of the Universe
Gareth Samuel – Exploring Blazar OJ287: Binary Black Holes or 1 Plasmoid
Geometrical Coloring Books
George Gilder – BSV has more transactions than BTC
Gigi Young – In Plain Sight: The Mars Mysteries
Giordano Bruno – On Magic (1588)
Gnosticism Then and Now Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogue
Goethe – Will Durant
Goethe’s Polemics against Newton: A Morphological Approach to History of Science
Golden Ratio in Life and Science
Graham Hancock – Threatened By The Truth
Graham Hancock and Dr. Àlex Gómez-Marin
Greg Braden – Beneath The Ice of Antarctica – Pre-Adamites
H. G. Wells with James Tunney
H.P. Blavatsky – Secret Doctrine – 44: The Coming Force – Keeley Motor
Henry Segerman – Non-euclidean virtual reality
Hercolubus – Humanity’s Future & Awakening to the New Earth
Hermes – Rudolf Steiner
HOPI Prophecy is Coming True
How A Single Metaphor Transformed Biology
How to wear cloth as a cloak
Iain McGilchrist – The Matter with Things
Ibrahim Karim – Exploring Reality Beyond Linear Time
Integral Consciousness – The Disclosure of Time
Interactive Recursive Web Tools HTML5 and JavaScript
James Tunney – Response to Douglas Hofstadter

Ideas and Reference

4 Anomalies in The Big Bang Afterglow:
7 Moths in Slow Motion
9 Rese’ – Down The Rabbit Holes 3-19-18 Top Science News
a Biochemist, a Mathematician, and a Geophysicist – Debunk Darwin
A Conversation With Bernardo Kastrup
A.D. Hall : The Electric Winds of Jupiter
Adam Trombly Recalls Stories of John C Lilly
Aether Force – Open Source Living Science
Alan Pasqua ‎– The Antisocial Club
Alan Watts – Are We Really Here
Alan Watts – From Ego to the Divine
Alan Watts – Levels of Truth
Alan Watts – STOP Feeling Lost By Doing
Alan watts – The Human Game
Alan Watts – The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
Alan Watts – Unstoppable
Alan Watts – Who is it that knows there is no Ego
Alan Watts – Why You Can’t Follow
Alan Watts – You’re ready to wake up…
Alan Watts on Carl Jung
Albrect Durer – Rhinocerus & Melancholia I
Aldous Huxley – Dancing Shiva Revolution
Alejandro Jodorowsky – Film, comics and conversation
Alex Grey – Creativity as a Spiritual Practice
Alexander Unzicker – Why Herrmann Minkowski Was a Disaster for Physics
Alfred North Whitehead – The Problem of Mental Causation
Alfred North Whitehead – The Universe as Event
Allen Saakyan – Pixar’s Soul (visual film review)
Alvin Boyd Kuhn – The Lost Key To The Scriptures
Alvin Boyd Kuhn – The Tree of Knowledge – Ryan McMahon
Alvin Boyd Kuhn – The Tree of Knowledge – Ryan McMahon
Anatomy and Physiology – Senses – Electrical Signals
Andrej Karpathy – Intro to Large Language Models
Andrew Gallimore – Psychonauts Are Now Mapping Hyper-Dimensional Worlds
Andrew Hall – Handbag of the Gods
Andrew Hall – Subsurface Birkeland Currents
Andrew Hall – ThunderBolts – Electrical Discharges Carved the American Southwest
Andrew Hall – Electricity in Ancient Egypt | Thunderbolts
Andrew Hall: The Electric Winds of Jupiter
Andrew Linnell – AI, Elon Musk, Rudolf Steiner and the Evolution of Consciousness
Andy Warhol
Angelo Dilullo – How To Experience Non-Duality
Angelo DiLullo – Reality Unfiltered
Anthony L. Peratt – The Plasma Universe
Aria Nasi Research – Squaring of the Circle: Fitting Infinity into the Finite
Armando Torres – Encounters With The Nagual
Art Bell – Michael “Mad Man” Marcum – Building a Time Machine on your Back Porch
Art Bell – Radio legend found dead at his home in Pahrump, Nevada
Arthur M Young – Determinism Free Will & Fate
Arthur M. Young – An introduction to Metascience
Arthur M. Young – Is the Universe Objective?
Arthur M. Young – The Self and the Universe
Arthur Young – Theory of Process
Arthur Young – What it is
Arthur Young, Rudolf Steiner and the Reflexive Universe
Astor Piazzolla | Concerto para Quinteto | Live from Seoul
Augmented Reality will replace Cell Phones in the Short Term
Auron MacIntyre – Why The Managerial Elite Are Doomed
Babylonian Exact Sexagesimal Trigonometry
Bardcast – Nassim Haramein
Bardcast – Peter Dawkins on Francis Bacon
Bardcast – The King James Ciphers
Bernard Carr – on consciousness and parapsychology
Bernardo Kastrup – A Crash Course in Analytic Idealism: Science Ideated
Bernardo Kastrup – Anomalous Phenomena
Bernardo Kastrup – Conscious AI lecture
Bernardo Kastrup – Dissociated Alters – Nominalism
Bernardo Kastrup – Essentia Foundation
Bernardo Kastrup – Idealism and the end of the meaning-crisis
Bernardo Kastrup – New Conversation
Bernardo Kastrup – New Thinking Allowed
Bernardo Kastrup – Noam Chomsky, Mysterianism, etc.
Bernardo Kastrup – Sacrifice, Meaning, Nietzsche, Consciousness & The Daimon
Bernardo Kastrup – Science and Metaphysics
Bernardo Kastrup – SilentEgo Solving A World Crisis with Nature
Bernardo Kastrup – The Daemon Knows
Bernardo Kastrup – The Man Behind the Ideas: Identity, Truth, Philosophy, and Psychotherapy
Bernardo Kastrup – The Mental Nature of Reality
Bernardo Kastrup – The Shadow
Bernardo Kastrup – The Symbolic Meaning of Life
Bernardo Kastrup – What is Real for AI
Bernardo Kastrup – Why materialism is baloney
Bernardo Kastrup – Simulation – Allen Saakyan – Metaphysical Idealism
Bernardo Kastrup and John Vervaeke [Theolocution on Meta-Consciousness, Idealism, and Naturalism]
Bernardo Kastrup on Analytical Idealism, Materialism
Bernardo Kastup – Deepak Chopra Intersection
Bill Frisell Trio
Bjørn Ekeberg – The shaky foundations of cosmology
Black Hole – Down! – A Brief History of Time Lords
Bonaventure – The Journey of the Mind into God
Book Of Enoch – Definitive Reference w/ audio and text,
Bradford Riley – Eurythmy, Speech, The Word and the Study of Etheric Phytology
Bring Joy to the World: Let Your God-Self Shine
Buckminster Fuller – The Great Integrity
Bunny Wailer – Me Ready when You Ready
Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson – Modern Times
Carl Jung – Active Imagination – Confrontation with the Unconscious
Carl Jung: The Attitude which the Art Demands from its Adepts
Carl Jung’s AION: Collective EGO DEATH w/ Uberboyo


Acceleration and Groove – The Kidney Pattern
Enochian Language
Facebook/Meta stockpiled MASSIVE amounts of NVIDIA GPUs
Jerry Wills – Egyptian Artefacts of Grand Canyon
Manly P. Hall – Initiates of the Flame (1922)
Mystery Schools – Steiner Sarobia & Stelle
OpenAI DALL·E: Fighter Jet For The Mind
Ram Dass – Compassion in Action
Rupert Spira – On War
Shunyamurti – The Goddess and the Anti-Christ
Shunyamurti – Transubstantiation of Trauma
The Esoteric Nature of Music
The Oera Linda Book – Comparing Translations


432 Octaves ϕ Explored
Alfred North Whitehead – His Life and Work
Anatomy and Physiology – Senses – Electrical Signals
Ancient Energy Creating Devices
Arthur M. Young – The Self and the Universe
Can Sequentially Linked Gamma Ray Bursts Nullify Randomness?
Carl Jung: The Attitude which the Art Demands from its Adepts
Cavitation – Sonoluminescence – Implosion Technology – Sacred Sciences
Donald Hoffman, Bernardo Kastrup & Rupert Spira – Is Reality Made of Consciousness?
Dr. Brugh Joy, M.D. – Healing & the Unconscious – Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove
Duncan Clough – GPU Implementation of Lattice Boltzmann Method
Eugene Bagashov & Jim Weninger Oumuamua Data Reveals Intriguing Possibilities – Reference
Evan Grant – Making sound visible through cymatics
Eyvind Earle – Illustrator – Natural
Gabriel Kelemen – Resonant Morphology – Cymatics
Gabriel Kelemen – The Meander Archetype Nature and Experiment
Graham Hancock – Earth’s Lost Civilisation
Heather Stargazer – A New Dawn – Waking up to The Electric Universe
HELIOPOLIS – An early aviation meet
In Silico – A Short History of “Liesegang Rings”
Jack Metchikian – Introduction to Keylonta
Jan Ott – New Translation of the Frisian Oera Linda
Jason Weimann – Why Unity?
Jeremy Pfeiffer – Cymatics
Jno Cook – Recovering the Lost World
Joe Matto – East Coast Home and Design
John Carmack – Prototypes vs. Patents
Kenneth J. M. MacLean – The Big Picture
Krishnamurti – How I Became Enlightened
Matt Presti and Robert Otey -The Cosmology of Light
Michael Evans – Trion Re’ Crystalline Prism Effects cited in “From Cosmology Architecture to Chromodynamics”
Michael Evans – Trion-Re’
Michael Tellinger – Ancient Levitation Technology
Planet Amnesia
Professor Brian Josephson – CymaScope – Royal Society of Medicine – John Reid
Randall Carlson – Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophes
Richard Moore – Writings on the Enneagram
Richard Moore : A Field Model of Mind
Robert Alexander – Sonification
Rolf Sattler – Goethe’s Metamorphosis of Plants
Rudolf Steiner – On Transhumanism
Rudolf Steiner – The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone
Rupert Sheldrake & Terence McKenna – Fractals, Time, and Causality
Terence McKenna – The Transformation
The Nebra Sky Disc
The Process of Building Something
Tom Campbell – Reality Simulation Theory – Physics, Consciousness and Virtual Reality
Tom Campbell – Simulated Reality – My Big Toe
Tufan Guven – Dan Winter – FractalU – Visual Introduction to Fractal FIELD Science
Unified Fractal Field – Lay Lines – Earth Grids
Upheaval Dome – USGS & 2000 Utah Geological Association


Alan Watts Awakening to The One
Alchemists Prayer
Carl Jung: The Attitude which the Art Demands from its Adepts
Eugene Bagashov – Particle Physicist and Philosopher – Citizen Scientist –
Hamlet’s Mill – Giorgio de Stantillana & Hertha von Dechend – Audio
Jan Saenredam – The Allegory of the Cave
Jason Reza Jorjani – The Philosophers of Atlantis
John Carmack – Prototypes vs. Patents
Jordan Peterson – The moment all HELL broke loose
Keanu Reeves – Humans About To Break Free
Moojiji – Baptised in Freedom
Natural Philosophy Alliance
Richard Moore : A Field Model of Mind
Terence McKenna – The Historical Octave
Terence McKenna – The Transformation
The Rubáiyát – Omar Khayyám
Tom Lombardo – What is The Good Future?

Science - Hypotheses

4 Anomalies in The Big Bang Afterglow:
9 Rese’ – Down The Rabbit Holes 3-19-18 Top Science News
A.D. Hall : The Electric Winds of Jupiter
Andrew Hall – The Daily Plasma – Lightning Scarred Earth
Andrew Hall – ThunderBolts – Electrical Discharges Carved the American Southwest
Andrew Hall – The Daily Plasma – Sputtering Canyons, Part 1
Andrew Hall: The Electric Winds of Jupiter
Anthony L. Peratt – The Plasma Universe
Anthony L. Peratt – Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity
Arthur Winfree – The Geometry of Biological Time
Bell Laboratories – 1958 Crystals – Physics – Alan Holden
Ben Davidson – Magnetic Shift – Modeling
Ben Davidson – Robert Felix – Magnetic Reversal
Black Hole – Down! – A Brief History of Time Lords
Cavitation-Induced Fusion: Proof of Concept
Chris Monk Sellye – Earth Electric Circuit
Chris Reeve – Controversies of Science
Cosmic Quintuple Jump
Dale Pond – Vibration, Oscillation and Toroids
Dark Journalist X-90
Dr. Don Scott – Thunderbolts – Birkeland Currents and Dark Matter
Dr. Irving Wolfe – Reaching Tipping Point, Massive Academic Disruption Expected – Velikovsky
Edo Kaal – Ethereal Matters – Structured Atom Model
Electric Honeycomb
Eugene Bagashov: Quantum Mechanics? I’m not Copenhagen!
First Mapping of Interstellar Clouds in Three Dimensions
Francisco Negroni – Volcano Photographer – Lightning – Vortex
Gabriel Kelemen – The Meander Archetype Nature and Experiment
Galaxies – Simulation vs Observations
Geoffrey West – Scale
George Lakhovski – The Secret of Life
Golden Ratio in Life and Science
GPU GEMS – Fluid Simulation
Grant Sanderson – Where Newton meets Mandelbrot
Halton Arp – Anthony Peratt – Plasma Cosmology – Video
Hannes Alfvén
Heather Stargazer – A New Dawn – Waking up to The Electric Universe
In Silico – A Short History of “Liesegang Rings”
Jeff Yee – Energy Wave Theory
Jim and Eugene – Full Interview
Julian Jaynes – The Origins and History of Consciousness – Jordan Peterson Videos – Related
Ken Wheeler – The Missing Secrets of Magnetism – Theoria Apophasis
LBM GPU GEMs 2005 – Flow Simulation with Complex Boundaries
Lightening – Types
Martin Chaplin – Water Structure and Science
Michael Evans – Trion Re’ Crystalline Prism Effects cited in “From Cosmology Architecture to Chromodynamics”
Michael Talbot – Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe
Mitosis – Dynamic Threads
Natural Philosophy Alliance
Neurons – Ragnorok and Rubycon (the band NH)
Nikola Tesla – The Wonders and Tragedies (video)
Number and Magnitude
Paul A. LaViolette – The Cosmic Ether: Introduction to Subquantum Kinetics
Peter A. Venis – Infinity Theory
Physics HyperTextbook
Plasma Double Layers
Professor Brian Josephson – CymaScope – Royal Society of Medicine – John Reid
PTable – Interactive Periodic Table
Richard Moore – Climate Variation & its Cosmic Origins
Richard Moore : A Field Model of Mind
Robert Lanza – BioCentrism – Insanely Improbable Universe
Robert Otey – The electric universe – gravity fallacy
Rodin Coil and Vortex Based Mathematics
Rudolf Steiner – Pastoral Medicine
Rupert Sheldrake – on being banned by TED
Rupert Sheldrake – Science & Spiritual Practices
Rupert Sheldrake – The Limitations of Philosophical Materialism in Science
SAFIRE Project Claims Energy Densities Comparable to the Sun
Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogue – David Bohm, his life and ideas
Sirius – Hypothesis
Spherical Harmonic Expansion of the Earth’s Magnetic Field
Spiral Slot Antennas with Electromagnetics Simulation – Fermi Space “Structure”
Standford VLF Group – The Threat of Killer Electrons
SuspiciousObservers – Level 7 Volcano Warning, Electric Cosmos
The Detection of Rossby-like Waves on the Sun
The Heart is not a Pump
The Herouni Antenna – Death of the Big Bang
The IllustrisTNG Project – Large Scale Cosmological Simulation
Thunderbolts – Did a Cosmic Thunderbolt Create the Hypatia Stone?
ThunderBolts – Electric Stars in Focus
Thunderbolts – Hypatia Stone Shatters Solar System Myths
ThunderBolts – Our Galaxy’s Plasmoid
Thunderbolts – Safire Project 2018 Update
Thunderbolts – Turning Sound Into Light
Thunderbolts – Who Still Denies Electric Currents in Space?
ThunderBolts – Electric Currents in Space Mean an Electric Universe
Todd Hayen – Sacred Science with Jeffrey Mishlove
Types of Supernovae – Discussion
Understanding Birkland Currents and Z-pinches
Universal Hyperbolic Geometry
Viktor Schauberger – Comprehend and Copy Nature
Viktor Schauberger – Living Water and Energies
Viktor Schauberger – Living Water Video
Wal Thornhill – Electric Comets & Asteriods
Walking Droplets – Pilot-Wave Dynamics


9 Rese’ – Down The Rabbit Holes 3-19-18 Top Science News
Aether Force – Open Source Living Science
Collective Evolution – The Shift
Electric View 2-19-2019 Observing the Frontier
Eugene Bagashov – Particle Physicist and Philosopher – Citizen Scientist –
Heart Math Institute
Hexagonal Water
Hover Brothers – Physics Singularity
Karen Elkins – Science to Sage Magazine
Kenneth J. M. MacLean – The Big Picture
Michael Tellinger – Ancient Levitation Technology
Michael Tellinger – Ubuntu Summit – One Small Town
Minds – New Social Platform – Collaborative – Funding
Natural Philosophy Alliance
Robert Schock – Easter Islands Mystery Script
Todd Hayen – Sacred Science with Jeffrey Mishlove
Tom Campbell – Simulated Reality – My Big Toe
Wal Thornhill – Electric Comets & Asteriods
Zohar Entertainment Group – CTC – Zohar Stargate


050 EU Meetup September 25th, 2018
056 EU Meetup November 6th 2018
24 Hours Of McKenna
432 Octaves – The History Of Egyptian Gold
A Geometry of Consciousness — The Pribram Bohm Hypothesis
Acoustic Levitation Of Stones
Alan Moore – The Mask and the Mirror
Alan Watts – On Money and Symbol
Alan Watts – The Cosmic Network
Alan Watts – The World As Self
Bernado Kastrup – In a NutShell
Bhagavad Gita
Bill Donahue – Stairway To The Skull. Whose at The Top Of The Stairs?
BILTMORE UNVEILED: Vanderbilts/Underground Asheville, NC
Bock Saga – Welcome to Altlantis
Brian Eno on Apollo
Buckminster Fuller – Progress Through Fear
Cosmic Hunt – The Oldest story in the world
Crochet Pattern Contagion – Duplet – Space-Group Morphologies
Dan Winter – Portal Brain Heart Implosion Jean Charles Moyen
David Chalmers – Hard Problem of Consciousness
Denis Noble – Why Dawkins is wrong
Despiritualizing The World
Does every number exist?
Dusty plasma cosmology: Birkeland star filaments
Einstein & Hapgood – Pole Shift – Atlantis
Electricity and Matter
Electron Existence – Disputed by Tesla, C.P. Steinmetz and J.J. Thomson
Freeman Fly – An Afternoon with Paul Laffoley
Frithjof Schuon – The Symbolist Mind
Frithjof Schuon – The Vedanta
Gary Burton – Improv Class
Geometric Algebra : Conformal Geometry
Humble-U – Carl Jung’s Red Book Series
Hyperbolic Honeycombs
Iain McGilchrist – Beyond Materialism
Internal Flight
Jewish Mysticism Explained | Exploring Kabbalah
Manly P. Hall – Blavatsky – the Secret Doctrine
Manly P. Hall – Meister Eckhart – Spiritual Mystery
Manly P. Hall – The Record of Atlantis in India
Moon Jelly Cam – Monterey Bay Aquarium
Multiplication Tables – Mod 180
Parallel Axis Tripteron Concept
Photomicrography Small world imagery
Ramon Llull – Prima Figura
Rendering Hyperbolic Spaces
ROBERT SEPEHR – Aquatic Ape Theory
ROBERT SEPEHR – Mysterious Origins of Finland and Sami
Rudolf Steiner – Acquired Imagination as Social Blessing for all Humanity
Rudolf Steiner – Human and Cosmic Thought
Rudolf Steiner – Jesuitism, Freemasonry, Theosophy & Rosicrucianism
Sabbatai Zevi 1,666 and the Oculists
Shunyamurti – Take a Quantum Leap Outside the Matrix
Sir David Suchet – The Gospel according to St John
Speech Analysis – Spectrogram
Terence McKenna – Quoting Famous People For Five Minutes
Terence McKenna – Speaking Metaphorically
Terence McKenna – Spirit And Impermanence
Terence McKenna – Synchronicity
Protected: TetraTerrien – Flower of Life – Dolphin Piece
The Alchemist
The Book of Aquarius
The Electric View – 11-13-2018
The Gospel of Philip, Gnostic Texts
The Mystery of the Essenes
The Powers that Oppose the Spirit
The Seven Rays – Being Different Together
The Universal Harmonic Pattern of Life
The Universe is Mental
The Vision of Hermes Trismegistus
Thomas Cowan – Cardiovascular Disease
Thomas Taylor – The Eleusinian Mysteries
Thought Forms Manly P. Hall
Vogel’s Spirals and Scattering Resonances
VR Collaboration Platforms
What If Space And Time Are NOT Real?
When Form Ignored Darwin

Unity Reference

Render Heads

v - EU Meetups

000 EU Meetup Aug 28, 2017
001 EU Meetup September 4, 2017
002 EU Meetup October 9, 2017
003 EU Meetup September 11, 2017
004 EU Meetup September 18, 2017
005 EU Meetup September 25, 2017
006 EU Meetup October 2, 2017
007 EU Meetup October 16, 2017
008 EU Meetup October 23, 2017
009 EU Meetup October 30, 2017
010 EU Meetup October 31, 2017
011 EU Meetup November 6, 2017
012 EU Meetup November 13, 2017
013 EU Meetup November 14, 2017
014 EU Meetup November 28, 2017
015 EU Meetup December 5, 2017
016 EU Meetup December 12, 2017
017 EU Meetup January 9, 2018
018 EU Meetup January 16, 2018
019 EU Meetup January 23, 2018
020 EU Meetup January 30, 2018
021 EU Meetup February 6, 2018
022 EU Meetup February 13, 2018
023 EU Meetup February 20, 2018
024 EU Meetup February 27, 2018
025 EU Meetup March 6, 2018
026 EU Meetup March 13, 2018
027 EU Meetup March 20, 2018
027 EU Meetup March 27, 2018
028 EU Meetup April 3, 2018
029 EU Meetup April 10th, 2018
030 EU Meetup April 17th, 2018
031 EU Meetup May 1st, 2018
032 EU Meetup May 8th, 2018
033 EU Meetup May 15th, 2018
034 EU Meetup May 22nd, 2018
035 EU Meetup May 29th, 2018
036 EU Meetup June 5th, 2018
037 EU Meetup June 12th, 2018
038 EU Meetup June 19th, 2018
039 EU Meetup June 26th, 2018
040 EU Meetup July 3rd, 2018
041 EU Meetup July 10th, 2018
042 EU Meetup July 17th, 2018
043 EU Meetup July 24th, 2018
044 EU Meetup July 31st, 2018
045 EU Meetup August 14th, 2018
045 EU Meetup August 7th, 2018
046 EU Meetup August 23rd, 2018
047 EU Meetup August 28rd, 2018
048 EU Meetup September 4th, 2018
049 EU Meetup September 11th, 2018
050 EU Meetup September 25th, 2018
051 EU Meetup September 30th, 2018
052 EU Meetup October 2nd, 2018
053 EU Meetup October 16th 2018
054 EU Meetup October 23th 2018
055 EU Meetup October 30th 2018
056 EU Meetup November 6th 2018
057 EU Meetup November 13th 2018
058 EU Meetup November 20th 2018
059 EU Meetup November 27th 2018
060 EU Meetup December 4th 2018
061 EU Meetup December 11th 2018
062 EU Meetup December 18th 2018
EU Meetups (from Argos.Vu)
Jim and Eugene – Full Interview


Colorado Springs – Full Disclosure
David Wilcock with Emery Smith : Claims to Have Autopsied 3,000 Different Species of ETs
Kubrick interpreted – 2001: A Masonic Odyssey
Lionel – Wet Works
Paul Laffoley – The Levogyre
Photomicrography Small world imagery
Viktor Grebennikov – Scarabs

z - et cetera

Art Bell – Radio legend found dead at his home in Pahrump, Nevada
Baby Owl
Destroying The Illusion – Anti-Gravity Propulsion Systems
Full Wolf Moon – January 1 & 2, 2018
Ice Bubble Magic
The Birkeland Puppies
The Making of a Dragon-Stem Goblet
Violin String Pulse